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Savage Industries Group / SIGCORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

Savage Industries Group is an Earth-based corporation specializing in exploration operations as well as medium to large-scale freelance, salvage and trading jobs.


SAVAGE INDUSTRIES GROUP is an organization dedicated to space exploration and development. It was created in 2928 by A. Savage, a visionary entrepreneur and adventurer fascinated by the infinite possibilities of space. The organization has a fleet of spaceships that can be used for various purposes. These include battleships for bounty hunts, salvage ships for scrap removal, and scout ships for scientific missions. The spaceships are equipped with the latest technology and weapons and can adapt to different environments.

The organization is led by two senior executives: Nathan Bull and Damon Thrace.
Nathan Bull is responsible for the industrial side of the organization. He takes care of ore mining, scrapping and other forms of material extraction. He is a technical and logistics expert who is always looking for new ways to increase the organization’s efficiency and profitability.

Damon Thrace is responsible for the security of the planned operations. He is a military trained pilot and an experienced leader who has mastered many dangerous situations. He ensures that the organization is safe from threats, be it from enemy factions, pirates or alien creatures.

Damon and Nathan share the role of CEO in the organization and complement each other’s talents. They share a common vision: to make space a better place.


Our goal is to push the frontiers of human knowledge and experience by discovering. We believe in the power of innovation, collaboration and a spirit of adventure. We are not an ordinary company, but a movement that wants to shape the future of humanity.

Our manifesto is simple:
We want to explore the unknown, make the impossible possible and make the unimaginable a reality.
We don’t just want to survive, we want to thrive.
We don’t just want to exist, we want to live.
We don’t just want to dream, we want to act.


The space organization SAVAGE INDUSTRIES GROUP is an association of independent astronauts who jointly participate in various missions and projects in space. The members of the organization undertake to observe the following principles:

- It is important to treat each other fairly. The members respect each other and support each other in case of difficulties or conflicts. They communicate openly and honestly with each other, avoiding unnecessary arguments or rivalries.

- Proceeds from orders are divided fairly among the participants. The members receive a reasonable share of the income from the orders that they carry out jointly or individually. The allocation is based on a transparent and fair catalog of criteria that is accepted by all members.

- Ambition is important. Members strive to improve their skills and knowledge and take on new challenges. You are willing to take risks and find innovative solutions. They pursue their goals with passion and commitment.

The statutes are binding for all members of the space organization SAVAGE INDUSTRIES GROUP. In the event of violations of the statutes, the organization can impose sanctions or expel the member.