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The League of Shipwrights / SHIPWRIGHT

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Transport
  • Exploration

Welcome to our Org Profile. Feel free to browse the member list and check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us.


  • February 2020 – Organization created by Quartermain3000 * Sardelac joined the Organization, and promoted to Officer by Quartermain3000 * Sardelac demoted himself to Recriut
  • March 2020 * KidaOfAtlantis joined the Organization * TBerry joined the Organization * Dr. Gnome joined the Organization

*April 2020 * Quartermain3000 makes his first million credits (aUEC) * Quartermain3000 defeats the pirate swarm, obtains the Pirate Caterpillar, and names it “Cherry Jubilee” * Quartermain3000 promoted Sardelac to officer (again)


Space is the next frontier for our species, and Stanton is our new home.
Building a new home takes hard work, money, and the best guns and armor you can find. As citizens of this region of space, it is our duty to ensure a safe home, and healthy economy for future generations.

The League of Shipwrights solemn pledge is to do our part so when we take that final quantum jump, we can look into the eyes of our ancestors and see their pride in what we did with our lives.


As Shipwrights, we solemnly pledge to:

- Never engage in piracy.

- Work hard, so our down time will have more meaning.

- Help those in need.

- Grow as individuals and as members of a team.

- Conduct ourselves in a manner befitting a Shipwright.