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  • 2945-08-01 SHELAK舰队建立,经过成员们的努力,舰队飞速发展,规模一度稳居中文舰队第二 The SHELAK fleet was established. After the efforts of the members, the fleet developed rapidly, and the fleet became the second-largest Chinese fleet
  • 2947-05-18 SHELAK舰队在地球正式重组,开启崭新的历史篇章! The SHELAK fleet is rebuilding on earth, and the fleet opens a new chapter in the history
  • 2947-05-19 舰队召开第一次理事会议,确立舰队元老院(议会)治理制度(间接民主)、部门划分、发展方向等内容,并决定即刻展开老成员回归工作 The SHELAK fleet members hold the first council meeting
  • 2947-05-20 舰队中央智能Nova受到攻击,在IT部门的努力下很快恢复重新上线 The SHELAK fleet’s artificial intelligence Nova was attacked and was soon back online thanks to the efforts of the IT department
  • 2947-05-20 舰队人数突破50人 The SHELAK fleet has more than 50 members
  • 2947-05-21 舰队人数重返中文舰队规模前五 The SHELAK fleet population returns to top5 in Chinese fleet scale
  • 2947-05-22 舰队官网和舰队中央智能Nova开始进行升级工作 The SHELAK fleet official website and fleet AI Nova start upgrading
  • 2947-05-30 舰队人数突破100人 The fleet has more than 100 members
  • 2947-08-31 舰队举办第一届SCL(席拉克舰队综合联赛)完成,并发放奖励,在挫折中更好磨合了舰队指挥系统 The SHELAK fleet holds the first SCL (SHELAK Comprehensive League)
  • 2947-09-11 舰队议会制定具体舰队事务管理办法,舰队制度步向完善 The SHELAK fleet Council formulates management measures for fleet affairs
  • 2947-11-03 官网舰队光谱(SPECTRUM)重启成功,进入测试阶段 The SHELAK Spectrum was successfully restarted and entered the test phase
  • 2947-11-19 舰队人数突破200人 The SHELAK fleet has more than 200 members
  • 2948-03-18 舰队人数突破250人 The SHELAK fleet has more than 250 members
  • 2948-05-19 舰队中央智能系统Nova载体升级,运算能力再度提升 The SHELAK fleet’s Central AI Nova upgrades
  • 2948-12-04 舰队人数突破300人 The SHELAK fleet has more than 300 members
  • 2949-01-25 舰队招募系统更新 The SHELAK fleet recruitment system update
  • 2949-04-16 舰队人数突破350人 The SHELAK fleet has more than 350 members
  • 2949-12-03 舰队启动“Venus”计划第一阶段 The SHELAK fleet launches the first phase of the “Venus” program
  • 2950-03-09 舰队人数突破400人 The SHELAK fleet has more than 400 members
  • 2950-05-31 舰队中央智能系统Nova入驻舰队微信公众号“星际公民CN” The SHELAK fleet’s Central AI Nova entered the Official WeChat Public Account “StarCitizenCN”
  • 2950-11-20 舰队执行韬光养晦战略,放慢人员扩张,优化现有体系 The SHELAK fleet pursues a strategy of keeping a low profile, slowing down personnel expansion, and optimizing existing systems
  • 2951-06-18 舰队制定长期规划,致力于服务更多星际公民中文圈玩家 The fleet has a long-term plan to serve more Chinese Star Citizen community players

联系方式 Contact Information

舰队公共QQ群 QQ Group:641790491
席拉克新兵营 New barracks:645497325
舰队官方微信公众号 Official WeChat Account:星际公民CN(StarCitizenCN)

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In this vast universe, you have to remember that you are not alone. SHELAK has been waiting for you to join!
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The SHELAK Fleet adheres to the implementation of the parliamentary system and establishes the Senate as the highest authority, which directly manages the fleet. In addition, the fleet does not have a captain.
Establish multiple promotion channels and provide players with different preferences with opportunities to display their talents.

The complete content is being developed and improved…