Saint George Squadron / SGS

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“Strength in Unity”
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Saint George Squadron of the White
Premier Private Security Company


Our organization, Saint George Squadron of the White, has a long and rich history, making it one of the oldest Organizations in the United Empire of Earth. The society was originally chartered in London, 1721, by order of King George I of England to combat piracy and protect holdings in the New World. Squadron’s ranks were filled by notable Noblemen of England and achieved great victories, it was often credited with the rapid expansions of holdings of the Crown. The Squadron of the White, through cunning leadership and progressive thinking with the ever-changing political landscape of earth, has managed to survive and adapt to the many chaotic events that Earth faced in the Modern Age, eventually venturing out into the stars. Today, SGS is a private security company, which specializes in providing security services where the arm of the UEE is felt the least for the protection of the citizens. With its vast and extensive knowledge of naval tactics, the organization is unmatched with the quality of service it provides and fills a niche vacuum in the private sector. Our purpose today is to offer our clients, including the UEE, specialized military, and naval expertise.

Our Headquarters, which re-opened in 2905 is still located in London, Earth. However, we have expanded our services and operations from Earth to Terra and more. Like many other organizations, the Vanduul crisis brought us together. We have supported hundreds of operations including logistics, relief operations, and military patrols alongside the UEEN.

We hold partnerships with various Ship Manufactures, Including, but not limited to: ORGIN Jump-works, AEGIS Dynamics, ANVIL Aerospace and Robert Space Industries. Most of our vessels are UEE Navy Service Rated.

We offer comprehensive advice on every aspect of security including corporate operations, commercial risk, and foreign investment, as well as counter-terrorism, asset protection, and support to governments. Our network of offices are staffed by skilled associates with combined backgrounds in security, military, intelligence, and diplomatic communities. To assist our associates in their duties, we hire personnel from a variety of supporting fields, including but not limited, commerce, finance, and law enforcement agencies such as The Advocacy.

Since its founding our company has been committed to setting and adhering to the highest possible professional and ethical standards, in addition to supporting the introduction of effective national and planetary regulation for the private security sector as a whole. We, the Initiative, are pioneers in the effective regulation of the private security industry. We have worked internally and externally to implement regulations that reflect international agreements. Our operating principles ensure that the company only accepts projects which, in the view of its management, would improve the state of security, stability and general conditions.

SGS will not become involved with:
Drug traffickers
Terrorist organizations
Organized crime
Violation of human rights
Illegal arms trading
Any activity which breaches the UEE Law or Corporation Policies.

Contracts are generally sensitive in nature, therefore, we apply strict rules of confidentiality to our work and client relationships. These rules are reflected in our contractual obligations, corporate code, and employment terms. Our code of confidentiality is absolute. Our security procedures are rigorously enforced to ensure protection both for the client and ourselves. You are safe with us.

“Strength in Unity”



Our squadron is built on the traditions and principles of Earth’s former British Royal Navy. Our inspiration is, of course, Britain’s long naval history, our great naval heroes, and the doctrine in which they led their men and fought their battles.

We pride ourselves on our professionalism and reputation. Every member of our squadron is important to the success of our squadron, and each are imbued with a sense of belonging to a “Band of Brothers”, in the great tradition of inspiring leaders, such as Horatio Nelson.

Our team spirit is second to none, and any member who has joined so far will tell you, the friendships they have gained by joining will no doubt be friendships for life. We are a diverse group, a group composed of many nationalities, cultures and ages, but as a society and organization we are one, and that togetherness will be our success!

As a premier private security company we seek to provide training for local forces, generating a transfer of our skills, which enables client governments to become self-supporting after the withdrawal of our company’s personnel on the conclusion of our contract. We are capable of strategic deployment and operate in a cost-effective manner. We are confident that the cost to a client of deploying a SGS project team is invariably cheaper than the cost of sourcing alternate forms of external assistance. The quality of our work is well above industry standards.

We offer cost-effective quality solutions for our clients. The financial package is pre-determined in advance of service delivery. We provide a firm, no nonsense, figure prior to entering into a contractual arrangement. We are an operationally agile company that will directly address the legitimate requirements of our clients. Within the confines of UEE Law, no ask is too much.


We demonstrate the highest degree of integrity in every aspect of what we do. We are committed to instilling professional and ethical behavior in all our employees, teammates, and associates.
We set the bar for the best-in-class operational excellence. We empower our people to deliver customer-focused solutions with the highest levels of professionalism and commitment to excellence.
We promote and support a diverse, yet unified team. While respecting the individuality of our people, we work together as a team to meet our customers’ goals. We deploy willingly to the most remote and dangerous regions, leveraging our unique skill set in support of our customers’ missions.
We honor the rights and beliefs of our fellow associates, our customers, our employees, and the communities in which we operate. We treat others with dignity and respect.
We value, encourage, and enable our employees, teammates, and associates to develop innovative and pragmatic solutions to real-world challenges.

Above all else, we hold true to our motto:

“Strength in Unity”




The following Charter is divided into two separate sections: Section A, Operational Policies, defined as relating to the Company, and Section B, General Membership Policies, defined as policies relating to the Society and Membership. The following represents a work in progress of the rules, regulations, and code of this organization as determined by its re-founders. ___ of ____, 29____.



This Charter of the Saint George Squadron of the White, has not yet been ratified on, and is made public for transparency. The following represents a work in progress of the rules, regulations, and code of this organization as determined by its founders. ___ of ____, 29____.

Article One, Conduct and Expectations of Enlisted Employees:

Each employee enlisted in Saint George Squadron of the White, hereon listed as SGS, is expected to follow the rules, regulations, and conduct set forth under Article One and its following sections.

I. An employee is expected to hold their self with honor, respect, and professionalism at all times.
II. A employee is expected, while on the battlefield, to follow the orders of their superior officer to the best of his or her ability.
III. A employee is expected to fulfill their designated position to the best of their abilities. In a competitive setting, an employee that is found to be under performing may have their individual performance reviewed by their section peers.

Article Two, Chain of Command & Positions:

Employee are subordinate to each officer in their command structure above them, and are in command of each employee subordinate to themselves. Each employee is expected to rise to the expectations and duties of their station as set forth under Article Two and its following sections.

I. Rankings and Positions are laid out thus, and in order from subordinate to superior:
a) Probationary Contractor – A probationary / trial rank which indicates that an employee is new to the mercenary unit and has not yet been assigned to a section.
b) Contractor – Employees who are experienced members and have accumulated an in-depth knowledge of their sector.
c) Lead Contractor – Employees who have been assigned command of a section and are the superior officers to the Wraith within that section.
d) Director of Operation – Employees who hold a leadership seat in the Squadron.
e) Honorable Representative – Employee who are external from rank system and represent other units.

II. A employee may be designated section leader if those in the section are in agreement with the designation. A section must have at least four (4) members to be formed and may not exceed 8 members in total.

III. When promoted to a position that allows command of a section, it is the responsibility of the promoted employee to enlist their subordinates. An officer is encouraged to form tight bonds with specific members, but is allowed to enlist any member subordinate to them for command directly before a mission, unless a superior officer chooses otherwise. Section leaders are also expected to actively build game-play chemistry between members under their command.

Article Three, Code of Conduct & Punishment:

A employee enlisted in Squadron may be subject to dismissal based upon infractions committed. Infractions are classified as outlined below:

I. Minor Infractions – In the event that a minor infraction has been committed by a member and there is sufficient supporting evidence of the infraction, the member will be given a written warning from a superior officer. If three (3) minor infractions are committed within a 30-day period, the offender is removed from the unit. If at the end of this period no infractions are committed, the earliest infraction will be removed from that pilots record.

List of Minor Infractions:

II. Major Infractions – In the event that a major infraction has been committed by a member and there is sufficient supporting evidence of the infraction, the aforementioned member will be removed from the mercenary unit and banned from accessing the resources of the unit.

List of Major Infractions:

These are the rules, regulation, and code as determined by the writers of this said charter on _ of ___, 29. All who are enlisted amongst the ranks of the Squadron must abide by these rules or find themselves punished as set aside by the rules.


Code of Conduct

Title —————————————————————————————————————-Paragraphs
General ……………………………………………………………………..1-6
General Principles …………………………………………………….7-11
Law and Regulation ………………………………………………….12-14
Selection Training and Vetting of Personnel……………. 15-18
Behavioral Standards and Quality Assurance…………19-22
Quality Assurance………………………………………………………23
Corporate Social Responsibility ……………………………….24-26
Rules for the Use of Force ………………………………………..27-32
Relations with Others in the Field of Operations ………33-36
Working Standards …………………………………………………..37-41
Equal Opportunities …………………………………………………42-44
Relations with Clients ……………………………………………….45-46
Security Sector Reform ……………………………………………. 47-48
Transparency …………………………………………………………….49
Oversight and Compliance ……………………………………….50-53


1. The role of Private Security Companies (PSCs) is becoming increasingly significant and widespread due to
the evolving nature of global risk. PSCs seek to mitigate the clients’ exposure to risk across a range of

2. PSCs work in difficult and dangerous environments often in the undeveloped world and are sometimes armed.
In these circumstances and because they also often act for Governments and/or NGOs it is essential that
legitimate PSCs work within the framework of Planetary Hosts and UEE Law and set
themselves their own high standard of ethics, conduct and procedures. These are set out in this document.

3. Adherence to this code constitutes an assurance of the operating standards, professionalism and quality for:
• Clients
• Employees or subcontractors (“personnel”)
• Competitors
• International organisations
• Governments and their agencies
• Individuals
• Communities with whom SGS comes into contact during the course of its business.

4. This is a “living” document and will be responsive to changes in the law, international environment and public

5. SGS intends to maintain a dialogue with a range of stakeholders, including:
• Governments
• International agencies
• Industry associations
• Other interested parties (including communities within which we operate)

6. This code covers the following areas:
• General principles
• Law and regulation
• Selection, training and vetting of personnel
• Behavioral standards, fair business dealing and quality assurance
• Rules for the use of force
• Relations with others in the field of operations (local population, governments, PSCs)
• Working standards
• Equal opportunities
• Security sector reform
• Relations with clients
• Transparency
• Oversight and compliance

General Principles

7. SGS will only engage in legitimate security work which adheres to the principles of UEE Law.

8. SGS seeks to mitigate risk to their clients. Such work is, by its nature, defensive. SGS will only work for
clients who commit to the norms of international law and behaviors. SGS will respect the sovereignty, rights of planets and will not accept an assignment that seeks to destabilize a country or community.

9. SGS does not condone, nor will it ever become involved in, the violation of human rights as embodied within
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UEE Convention of Human Rights.

10. SGS supports the principles of Security Sector Reform (see para 47).
Law and Regulation

12. In the absence of UEE or planetary regulation of PSCs, SGS is bound by the following:
Planetary Law
Sectorial Law
Planetary Regulation
Armed Conflict Law

Contractual obligations and constraints

13. SGS will adhere to all applicable law and regulation. SGS personnel are required to report in full on any
incident in which they are involved, or which they witness which might involve an unlawful act. SGS will
investigate fully any such report, or complaints from third parties, to the extent that the operational
environment permits.

14. Morally and ethically, SGS supports the development of PSC regulation within the UEE.
Selection, Training and Vetting of Security Providers.

15. All SGS personnel are selected in as thorough a way as possible

16. SGS will carry out a thorough check of each individual security provider application to include:
• Study of CV and cross-referencing
• Asking for and taking up references
• Checking of military and other professional records including discharge certificates
• Interview

17. Once selected each individual security provider will be vetted. This will involve:
• Background and criminal record checks
• Government vetting agencies (where appropriate)
• Medical assessment

18. Once accepted, security providers will then undergo induction and special to task initial training. This will be
followed by continuation training once on task, together with career development training. Periodic specialist
training will also take place. The purpose of the training is both to ensure professional competence and
efficiency and also to develop skill and maturity to avoid overreaction and other traits that may lead to
unnecessary incidents. All training includes instruction in UEE Law, Humanitarian Law and the Law of
Armed Conflict.

Behavioral Standards, and Quality Assurance

19. The overall behavioral standard expected of SGS personnel is set down clearly and is monitored in
considerable detail.

20. These standards are set with the requirement to always comply with relevant laws and engage in fair business
dealings and include:
• Professional and technical competence
• Restraint and maturity
• Honesty and integrity including professional ethics with regard to financial irregularities, inducements,
incentives etc.
• Compassion, respect and dignity
• Discretion and confidentiality
• Full understanding of requirements and constraints of their current mission
• Social and environmental responsibility
• Cultural sensitivity

21. Ensuring these standards are met is the task of the SGS management structure and chain of command at all
levels. A formal disciplinary procedure exists to deal with any deviation from the standards laid down and
overall responsibility lies with the Board of Directors.

22. SGS will provide detailed training to ensure personnel understand the standards expected of them, such
training will include without limitation specifics with regard to anti-corruption, non-bribery and human rights.

Quality Assurance

23. The quality assurance ethos is fundamental to SGS’s operations. All personnel are encouraged to conform
to the SGS Quality Assurance Program, to comment on it and participate in the process to continually
improve SGS perceived and actual performance as part of SGS’ Quality Management System (SGS
QAMS). The QAMS ensures that reviews of all work in progress are carried out independently from the
original source during operations/production. The qualitative approach incorporates all the core values laid out
in this Code in the belief that this leads to increased personnel and client satisfaction which in turn leads to
long-term competitive advantage.

Corporate Social Responsibility

24. SGS actively supports corporate social responsibility.

25. SGS takes a strong and dedicated interest in community affairs of the countries in which it is operating and
endeavors to undertake all its projects in a socially responsible way. SGS personnel carry out an
assessment of the potential human rights impact of its own projects and activities so as to mitigate such
potential impacts, as well as rigorously opposing violation of human rights from whatever source.

26. Fundraising initiatives are carried out in order to fund low cost-high impact projects of an educational,
reconstructive or community benefit.
Rules for the Use of Force (RUF)

27. Although SGS operations are protective, personnel often work in unstable and violent environments which
necessitate the carriage of firearms. When SGS personnel are armed, they carry arms for personal
protection, or the protection of those in their care.

28. All weapons are carried under the appropriate authority pertaining to the area of operations. All weapons and
ammunition are procured legally and are transported and stored in a secure manner.

29. When weapons are carried, all SGS personnel will comply with the appropriate Rules for the Use of Force
(“RUF”). SGS will use minimum force at all times. In the absence of specific RUF SGS will develop its own
which will generally be based on those adopted by UEE Forces.

30. All personnel will be extensively briefed on RUF, and the principles of minimum force instilled in them. SGS’s
personnel are experienced and trained in the use of firearms. Continuous training takes place in theatre with
an emphasis on safety, accuracy and restraint.

31. Where SGS personnel resort to the use of firearms, and regardless of whether this results in injury or death,
they will make a full report on the incident in accordance with established reporting and review procedures.

32. Where injury or death results from the use of force or firearms, SGS will undertake an internal investigation in
accordance with established procedures. SGS will cooperate with any lawful investigation undertaken by the
governing authorities in the area of operation.
Relations with others in the Area of Operations.

33. SGS promotes constructive engagement and cooperation with other organisations operating in the same
area of operations.
34. SGS undertakes not to hinder the national community in humanitarian efforts and will offer assistance
where possible.

35. SGS seeks to engage in constructive communication and cooperation with the governing authority and their
security forces in the area of operation, and with any other official security forces working in that environment.
SGS assures the confidentiality of any information received as a result of such relations.

36. SGS personnel respect the culture, religion and ethnic customs, human dignity and human rights of the
communities and regions in which they work. They will to the best of their ability and wherever possible,
rigorously oppose violation of these rights.
Working Standards.

37. Good working standards are crucial in the development of SGS and the potential of its personnel.
Maintenance of appropriate remuneration.

38. SGS is committed to ensuring the best working conditions that the area of operation will permit.

39. In accordance with this principle, the level of remuneration is designed to ensure that quality work is
appropriately remunerated and encourages loyalty and continuity.

40. There are many different occupational hazards associated with the nature of the work engaged in by SGS.
Appropriate medical support including psychological assessment is provided to ensure the maximum possible
attention in the event of serious incidents and subsequent injuries to personnel.

41. In line with these procedures SGS follows best practice by ensuring suitable insurance is always in place to
cover medical issues, assets and business risk.

Equal Opportunities

42. SGS recognizes its responsibility for promoting equal opportunities and combating discrimination.

43. It seeks to ensure the full integration of all personnel in his or her working environment, regardless of his or
her ethnic or social origin, color, gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation or other distinguishing

44. It seeks to ensure that its clients also recognize respect for these values in the working conditions made
available to all personnel.
Relations with Clients.

45. By the nature of SGS’s activities its personnel may obtain information which may relate to the private lives or
be potentially harmful to the interests or reputation of others. Great care will be exercised in safeguarding and
using such information, which shall be kept confidential unless the performance of the duty or the needs of
justice strictly require otherwise.

46. SGS will ensure its personnel:
• Are diligent, competent and efficient in discharging their professional responsibilities and
• Do not participate in activities which may involve a conflict of interest without appropriate disclosure
and approval.
Security Sector Reform.

47. SGS supports the objectives of security sector reform and where possible ensures that its capability
development work is carried out in line with these objectives. The aim of security sector reform is:
“To help developing and transitional countries manage their security functions in a democratically accountable,
efficient and effective way by initiating and supporting reform and providing appropriate education and
training”. (FCO definition)

48. Key issues of security sector reform include:
• military disengagement from politics
• military disengagement from other non-military roles e.g. economic and social
• redefinition of security roles
• civilian policymaking, legislation and funding
• development of a civilian/military interface and ethos
• regional defense and security policies and structures

49. SGS will maintain transparency as far as possible within two key constraints:
• Client confidentiality
• Standards required of a privately owned UEE registered limited liability company.
Oversight and Compliance

50. The oversight and management of all SGS’s operations is the responsibility of the SGS Board.

51. Each project has a clearly defined and responsible chain of command. The chain of command is responsible
for the day-to-day implementation of the contract.

52. The development of business and general oversight of the company is provided by the Board of Directors.
The Board consists of a number of senior military, diplomatic and commercial figures who provide guidance
and advice to the executive management on request.

53. The SGS Board has established a Quality Management Review Board for day-to-day monitoring of the SGS
Quality Management System. Trends and Statistics, HSE and other audit reports, are used to assess the
continuing relevance of SGS’s quality management system over time and to ensure continuous improvement.



This Charter of the Saint George Squadron of the White, has not yet been ratified on, and is made public for transparency. The following represents a work in progress of the rules, regulations, and code of this organization as determined by its founders. ____ of ____, 29___

Article One, Society Mission Statement, General Recruitment, Society Regulations:

I. Society Mission Statement

Saint Georges Squadron is a player guild created for the benefit of its members. The Squadron will support playing Star Citizen, as well as other games, internet activities and other social events. The Squadron will promote and offer all styles of play including but not limited to; PVP, PVE, Economy, Missions and Role Play. The Squadron will also serve as a Private Security Company and Securities Company, a functioning business within the Persistent Universe(See Section A, Operational Policies).

II. General Recruitment:
Any player over the age of __ may apply to join the Saint Georges Squadron regardless nationality, race, location, skill, time commitment or any other factor not aforementioned. The Squadron will never close recruitment.

III. Society Regulations:
This charter and articles included in the Saint Georges Squadron Regulations will be followed by all members. All regulations of the Squadron shall be contained in the Articles of Operation and shall include topics of Uniformity, Character Names, Forum Protocol, Social Orders (aka Knighthood) Coat of Arms, Chain of Command, Promotions, Voting, Conduct and Information warfare.
a. The Articles of Operation shall be made available to all members of the Squadron.
b. All changes to the Articles of shall follow an amendment process starting with a vote from the Board of Directors and ratified by the Squadron.
c. Any member of the Squadron may start an amendment, to this Charter or to the Articles of Operation, by submitting the motion to the Board of Directors.

Article Two, Role Play, Casual Gamers, Members Activity, Sub Groups:

I. Role Play:
The Squadron will be friendly to role-players and it’s members will actively promote role-play in Star Citizen. The Squadron will be advertised as a role-play society. Role playing is encouraged but will not be required for general membership.

II. Casual Gamers:
The Squadron will be friendly to casual gamers and will not require its members to play for a minimum amount of time each month. All members are considered to be equals. The Board of Directors is only there to help administer and any position on the board can be gained by any member. Any member can obtain any rank giving the investment to the Society and provided they meet the requirements set forth in the Original Articles of Operations.

III. Members Activity:
The Squadron will gauge member activity based on last logged date, either through the game, or if not available their website resource. The minimum log on requirement will not be more frequent than once a month.

IV. Sub Groups:
Sub Groups and organizations may be formed for role-play or gameplay reasons. A sub group may not have its own regulations or chain of command. A sub group may have specific entry requirements created and edited after a standard vote. These entry requirements must be obtainable by every member. Sub Organizations in the PU, that are engaged in commerce of any sort, may not be established bearing the name SGS, Saint George Squadron of the White or SGS Security, without the prior, unanimous approval by the Board of Directors. Personal holdings are permitted.