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Serenity Logistics / SENLOG

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Transport

Serenity Logistics is your ally in the verse! Freelancers with an independent spirit looking to network with other small groups and talented individuals. We will carry the cargo no one else will and don’t care what it is.

“I don’t care because I’m FREE! You can’t take the sky from me.”


Someone once told me. find a ship, find a crew, find a job and keep flying. It’s a motto that has taken me across the verse. Always looking for opportunity and don’t care much what it is.

Freelance Cargo Captains and Merchant Traders working together for the safety of all. We specialize in mission critical delivery and logistics keeping trade & supply lines open! How can we accomplish this? Our fleet has the ships for Cargo Transport, Repair, & Refuel services. It is where we excel best!

Serenity Logistics Ship Inventory and services.
Ursa Rover & Dragonfly – Ground
Hull C – Cargo
Crucible – Repair
Starfarer Gemini – Fuel & Cargo
Polaris – Defence


“I don’t care because I’m FREE! You can’t take the sky from me.”


So here is how it is…

We are currently seeking friends, allies and business associates with their own unique skill sets and talents to fly missions and call upon each other. This is of particular importance to any Security focused partners where we can serve with our refueling and repair services in exchange for security where Serenity Logistica currently does not have any focus.

You can never have too many friends! Keep your independence. Keep your own group and branding. We don’t necessarily want people working for us. We want people working with us! Of course if you are looking for a great group of active players we are happy to welcome you into our group and that makes us family! If you think you would be a good fit for your group please drop us an application! We are accepting members and affiliate members.

Serenity Logistics Discord server.