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Semmes Intergalactic / SEMMES

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Transport

One Company, Countless Stars.

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Semmes Intergalactic started life in the year 2020 on a frontier planet known as Shallows-A.

A simple company man by the name of Taylor Paul Semmes worked to create a life for himself and his family as a newly settled explorer/trader. On Shallow-A, he developed one of the only successful colonies on the planet, dubbed, “Shallowfield,” by himself and his comrades. Between 2020 and 2022, Shallowfield saw extensive development to infrastructure, economy and the like, promoted in growth by Semmes’ R&M Frontier Trading Co.

In late summer of 2022, a great hurricane developed just out of range of the settlement’s radar. As it swept into the coastal settlement, it ravaged infrastructure and left homes without walls, and decimated the R&M Frontier Trading Co. headquarters. Semmes had been briefed on the climate of the planet before landing, and despite two years of general success, he had elected to build something akin to a fallout shelter; an underground, self sufficient base that could sustain the entire colony for up to a year if threatened. When the hurricane swept in, Taylor P. Semmes went door to door, moving families and their livelihoods to the bunker with unwavering determination to keep his people safe. Despite their frantic requests, Taylor left the safety of the bunker to conduct a final sweep of the colony, finding a 6 year old girl crying in the streets, her parents nowhere to be seen. Taylor picked the girl up, delivered her to the bunker, and ran back out to the impending destruction before him.

As winds began to howl in excess of 150 mph, his movement slowed. Rain battered him like rocks, the wind threatened to pick him up and throw him away. Searching for anyone, anything else, Semmes was filled with a sense of dread. He would not make it back to the bunker, not like this. His best chance at life was to hide and pray he’d be safe until the storm passed. A family man, Taylor quickly realized that if anyone else was out there, they’d be feeling the same terrible feelings he felt at that very moment. He pressed on.

Taylor Semmes’ body would be recovered some days later, buried beneath the rubble of a fallen building in the road. Reportedly, his face bore a slight smile, an expression displaying acceptance and suggesting that he knew he had accomplished his goal. In the great storm of 2022 on Shallows-A, Semmes was the only casualty. His efforts remained fruitful until the very end, and the colony was allowed to rebuild. In the 2500s, Shallows-A was renamed by UEE exploration ship “Resolute,” and the colony dispersed under new military control. In their time on Shallows-A, thousands of tons of raw materials were refined and utilized for the goal of technological advancement, and the newly organized Semmes Co. Limited was contracted by the UEE to provide several products that would assist them in future campaigns.

SCL would be headquartered on Earth for the remaining centuries, until a new calling would inspire future executives to mold the company back into a state that Semmes himself would have cradled and cultured. In the early 2900s, SCL rebranded into Semmes Intergalactic (SI) and moved its headquarters to New Babbage, Microtech, Stanton. In 2953, executive D. T. “Glare” Anderson was promoted to Fleet Commander & CEO of Semmes Intergalactic. Under his leadership, the organization is seeing unprecedented growth on all fronts.

Semmes Intergalactic: One Company, Countless Stars.


Semmes Intergalactic is a company forged from the vision of an exceptionally innovative young man, Taylor Paul Semmes. Since passing away in the year 2022, SI has grown from a simple trading company to an entire corporate entity whose purpose rings out among the stars. SI’s purpose is primarily to provide combat assistance to those who cannot defend themselves. We pride ourselves on providing fair rules of engagement, giving potential enemies a chance to change their minds and walk away. Besides this, SI operates as any corporation would, allowing its members to participate in more than just combat, SI mining and salvage convoys can frequently be spotted among the asteroids in the Aaron Halo, as well as conducting cleanup efforts system-wide. SI trade vessels operate freely, bringing in vast amounts of profit to the organization. Semmes Intergalactic will forever be a legally-bound PMC and Corporation that seeks to exceed the efficiency of all other organizations. Although we are small, we are selective, and we will only allow the best possible members within our entity.


Operational Policies
  • Conform to ROE and Procedure Documentation
  • Go above and beyond to achieve your potential in your field
  • Members must attend at least 1 event per month
  • Remain flexible
  • Arrive ahead of time to events and operations

Communications Standards
  • Try to limit any continuous use of explicit language
  • Maintain mature and civil conversations in public channels

Semmes Intergalactic Conduct
  • Do not engage in global chat with trolls, griefers, or similar parties
  • No griefing or piracy of absolutely any kind, whatsoever
  • Do not act in such a way to damage the reputation of SI when inside or outside the verse

SI Medical Rescues
  • Until further notice, any ship operating under Semmes Intergalactic is required, within reason, to divert course to assist those in need of medical assistance. SI members should not risk unnecessary danger to themselves or their ships.

SI Illicit Activities
  • Unless authorized by a Fleet Leader or Executive, no illicit activities are to be carried out throughout your duration of membership. Committing illegal activities without permission is grounds for removal.