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The Watering Hole / SECRET18

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Exploration

The Watering Hole a cosmic refuge offering diverse libations, a nexus for tales of adventure, and a haven for interstellar camaraderie in the vast expanse of Star Citizen.


In the pulsating heart of Stanton’s Area18 on ArcCorp, the Watering Hole emerged from the cosmic dust as a sanctuary forged by the wandering spirit of Maxi, a freelance maverick with stars in their eyes. Born from a longing for cosmic kinship, this bar became a celestial nexus where spacefarers of every creed converged.

Maxi’s vision etched itself into the very walls of the bar—etched in salvaged ship parts and marked by the tales whispered among patrons. It stood as a testament to unity, where the cosmic code reigned supreme, fostering an ethos of respect and shared discovery.

Rhea, the enigmatic bartender with a cybernetic arm and a penchant for mixing stories as potent as drinks, stood sentinel behind the holographic-laden bar counter. Her steady presence guided newcomers into a realm where contracts were discussed over cosmic brews, friendships forged through exchanged tales, and alliances woven amidst the hum of distant star systems.

Within these neon-lit confines, the Watering Hole encapsulated the cosmic dreams of explorers, traders, and mercenaries alike—a vibrant testament to Maxi’s vision, where the pulse of adventure echoed through every shared conversation, each clinking glass, and the infinite stories that painted the walls with the tales of the stars.


The Watering Hole Manifesto:

In the boundless expanse of the Stanton system, amidst the thriving metropolis of Area18 on ArcCorp, the Watering Hole stands as a celestial beacon—a testament to unity, camaraderie, and the insatiable spirit of cosmic exploration.

We Embrace Unity: Within these hallowed walls, all spacefarers, regardless of affiliation or background, find kinship. Unity is our guiding star; diversity our cosmic tapestry.

Respect is Our Currency: The cosmic code prevails here, where respect for fellow travelers and shared discoveries reigns supreme. Differences enrich our journeys; respect binds us. Shared Tales Define Us: Every glass raised here carries a story—a tale of cosmic exploits, daring escapades, and unfathomable wonders. Stories are the constellations that chart our collective journey. Violence Finds No Refuge: Our sanctuary prohibits violence or hostility. Disputes are settled through dialogue; harmony prevails over discord within these celestial confines. An Oasis of Neutrality: The Watering Hole is neutral ground—a nexus where conflicts dissolve into discourse, and alliances transcend borders. Our neutrality breeds trust. Quest for Discovery: We embrace the unknown, charting courses through uncharted territories, seeking new horizons, and uncovering the mysteries that dwell within the stars. Alliances and Kinships: Here, alliances are forged, and friendships blossom—a cosmic family woven together by shared experiences and mutual respect.


Respect Cosmic Unity: Discrimination based on allegiance, race, gender, or beliefs is strictly prohibited. Embrace diversity; unity is our strength.

Harmony over Hostility: Disputes must be settled through civil discourse. Refrain from personal attacks or disruptive behavior.

Respect Shared Tales: Every member’s story matters. Share experiences respectfully; harassment or trolling will not be tolerated.

Sanctuary in Neutrality: The Watering Hole is neutral ground. Keep discussions civil; avoid political or sensitive topics that disrupt harmony.

Adventure Awaits, Not Violence: Violence or threats, in any form, have no place here. Any such behavior will result in immediate removal.

Maintain Cosmic Honor: Honesty and integrity in interactions are paramount. Dishonesty or scamming will lead to expulsion.