Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Space Crusaders Security Agency / SCSA

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Transport

Security you can count on, If its deep space travels, Pirate infested star systems, or you got a bounty on your head and can’t sleep at night.
We will keeps you safe and get you to where ever you need to be, by any means necessary.


Space Crusaders Security Agency was founded by one of the legendary members of the Sacred Banned. The Sacred Banned was a elite company of chosen warriors who served in the military’s front lines. The legendary group of men have all passed away due to old age or death in combat. S.C.S.A was created to give retired soldiers, a combat style job which they understood and could continue to make a living with. The agency soon became more of a group of mercenary’s who if paid the right price would do any kind of job. But after a changing of hands in leadership the company now tries to aim for more honest work but that does not mean that some members don’t help out more shady citizens to make a better living.


The aim is for the company is to start of as a small business that will work independently and alongside other organizations to make money. S.C.S.A will take on escort missions for other organizations that want to add more protection for a required job. The company will also have its own mining and trading branch that will be the foundation of income for the company. The trading and mining industry is hoped to expand with time from a small mining/trading business to a large enterprise that will fund a large range of military ships to be used for private protection and hired work. S.C.S.A is willing to work along side affiliated organizations to achieve a combine goal of safe trading runs for our ships and exploration to further our opportunities for trade and mining and most of all money.


1:Always fight with Honor and Strength when engaged in battle.

2:Never surrender always die fighting.

3:Represent Honor to our clients and allies.

4:Make sure you never show fear.