Stanton Police Department / SCPDSPACE

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We’re here to uphold the law, space law.
Join us today for low compensation, respect, and free coffee and doughnuts at the HQ




Recently kicked out of a criminal mercenary org during a civil meme war, two unknown citizens applied for this new law and order department in an effort to clean up their home system of Stanton. After stalled recruitment efforts, citizens Jnc0 and Digable found themselves as Sergeant and Deputy of the newly commissioned STANTON POLICE DEPARTMENT. Little did they know that they would soon become a powerhouse duo to bring justice and stability to the galaxy.

Their first mission was to clean up Port Olisar, a shipping port in the system of Crusader after a drug cartel’s operation named “Jumptown” started shipping illegal substances through the popular port. Even thought they were undermanned and underfunded, Sergeant Jnc0 and Deputy Dig quickly strung together multiple successful arrests and busts around Port Olisar and even Grim Hex. They even cut their teeth in on high risk negotiations during hostage and kidnapping de-escalations as part of crime scene management.

After a brief recruitment campaign gaining valuable officers, Sergeant Jnc0 and Deputy Dig of the SPD conducted their first raid in 2953 on their former criminal org setting forth a new precedent of criminal justice raid operations throughout the Stanton system. “Sarge and Dig” rose in the SPD ranks to become high ranking officers of the department.

Establishment of the Stanton Justice Assembly

The Stanton Police Department was established as part of the The Justice Assembly Constitution Act 2952

The Justice Assembly Constitution Act 2952

An Act to make provision in relation to the establishment of regulated bodies as an additional alternative to those provided by the UEE Advocacy to address the needs of individuals, the duties, functions, responsibilities and powers of those bodies, the individual rights enjoyed by every individual and the authority to amend the statutory basis upon which they depend. Be it enacted in aim of furthering the Imperator’s most excellent majesty, by and with the omitted consent of the UEE Advocacy and citizens of Stanton, in this present judiciary assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
Sch I Interpretation
Part I Separation of Power
Part II The Court
Part III The Police Department
Part IV The Department of Justice
Part V The Defense
Part VI Individual Rights, Freedoms and Protections
Part VII Supplementary


At the core of the Stanton Justice Assembly, the Stanton Justice Assembly Police Department stands as a bastion of integrity and responsibility.

Our mission is to uphold the principles of justice within the Stanton Justice Assembly while carrying out the general duties, responsibilities, and powers conferred upon us by the law.

As officers of the Stanton Police Department, we are guided by a steadfast commitment to the following duties:

Integrity and Honesty: We act with unwavering integrity and honesty in all our endeavors.
Crime Prevention and Detection: We are dedicated to preventing and detecting crime.
Law Enforcement and Public Order: We enforce the laws of the Stanton Justice Assembly and maintain public order.
Life and Property Protection: We protect the lives and property of the Stanton community.
Assistance and Emergency Response: We promptly respond to emergencies and assist the public in their times of need.
Criminal Investigations: We thoroughly investigate criminal offenses and ensure that offenders are brought to justice.
Intelligence and Records: We gather intelligence and maintain records as necessary to fulfill our duties.
Support for Victims and Witnesses: We provide support to victims and witnesses of crime, ensuring their well-being throughout the justice process.
Prisoner Management: We responsibly manage and supervise prisoners in custody.

In addition to our legal duties, we embrace the following operational responsibilities:

Court Testimony: We testify in court when called upon to do so.
Community Engagement: We engage with the Stanton community and address individual concerns.
Trust-building: We actively work to build trust between our officers, the community, and organizations.
Training and Compliance: We ensure our officers are well-trained and in compliance with the law.
Anti-Corruption Measures: We vigorously root out, prevent, and address corruption and harm within our ranks.
Ethical Conduct: We report and avoid attempts to bribe officers, ensuring the integrity of our service.

Our functions encompass patrolling local and UEE jurisdictions within the Stanton system, responding to public service calls, gathering evidence, executing court warrants and orders, conducting approved surveillance operations, and collaborating closely with the court.

Empowered by our duties and responsibilities, we possess the necessary powers to arrest and detain suspects, use reasonable force when required, conduct searches and seizures with proper authorization, issue citations for traffic violations, carry and use firearms, employ non-lethal weapons and methods, seek assistance from other law enforcement agencies and organizations, commandeer private property in reserved emergency situations, and enforce interstellar, local, and Stanton Justice Assembly laws.

We understand that the powers granted to us are regulated, defined, and restricted by the court and subsequent legislation. Our actions must always align with the overarching goal of furthering the administration of justice.
In fulfilling our mission, we acknowledge that breach of duty may occur in certain circumstances. In such cases, liability for breach by a police officer will be determined by the court, ensuring that justice prevails.

With unwavering dedication to our mission and the principles of justice, we stand as the guardians of an alternative justice system that prioritizes fairness, accountability, and the well-being of the Stanton community.


The Police Department
8 General Duties of the Police

(1) Under this section, the police must adhere to the following duties at all times
and subject to the provision under sections 8(2) and (3) of this section—
a) Act with integrity and honesty at all times;
b) Preventing and detecting crime;
c) Enforcing laws and maintaining public order;
d) Protecting life and property;
e) Assisting the public and responding to emergencies;
f) Investigating criminal offenses and bringing offenders to justice;
g) Gathering intelligence and maintaining records so far as necessary;
h) Providing support to victims and witnesses of crime;
i) Managing and supervising prisoners in custody.

(2) In compliance with the duties listed under section 8(1), the police must ensure
that all officers employed within its ranks adhere to these duties at all times with
regard for section 8(3); and—
a) Any further duties upon them under the UEE Advocacy;
b) Any further duties as created by the court.
(3) Further to section 8(2), all officers are—
a) Bound by the duties contained at section 8(1) at all material times whilst
on duty; and
b) Should as far as reasonably practicable, ensure that these duties are
complied with off-duty.

9 General Responsibilities of the Police
(1) In addition to the legal duties under section 8(1), the police must also adhere to
the following operational responsibilities at all times as far as reasonably
a) Testifying in court;
b) Engage with the Stanton community and the concerns of individuals;
c) Further trust within its officers amongst people and organizations;
d) Ensure that officers are sufficiently trained;
e) Ensure compliance with the law;
f) Actively seek to root-out, prevent and deal with corruption and harm from
within its ranks;
g) Reporting and avoiding attempts by suspects, or anyone else to bribe
officers for individual gain for themselves or another, including the
avoidance of loss within the process.

10 General Functions of the Police
(1) Supplementing sections 8 and 9 above, and in the administration of its duties
and responsibilities, it is the therefore the function of the police to—
a) Patrol local and UEE jurisdictions within the Stanton system;
b) Respond to calls for their service from the public;
c) Gather evidence;
d) Execute warrants and orders of the court;
e) Conduct approved surveillance operations;
f) Cooperate with the court.

11 General Powers of the Police
(1) In the administration of sections within this part, the police are hereby entitled
the power; and subject to section 11(2)—
a) To arrest and detain suspects;
b) To use reasonable force to subdue and detain suspects;
c) To conduct searches and seizures with a warrant or probable cause;
d) To issue citations for traffic violations;
e) To carry and use firearms;
f) To use non-lethal weapons and methods;
g) To request assistance from other law enforcement agencies and
h) To commandeer private property in reserved emergency situations;
i) To enforce interstellar, local and Stanton Justice Assembly laws.


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