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Coalition Task Force - Scipio / SCIPIO

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Transport

Welcome to the official recruitment and organization page for the crew of the HMS Scipio, a Javelin-class Destroyer.

New recruits welcome!

Main Org page:


Established in 2952 as a Task Force within the Coalition for the purposes of recruiting and organizing a semi-dedicated crew for the HMS Scipio, a Javelin-Class Destroyer within the Coalition Fleet. (

HMS (HelljumperMac Ship) is in honor of the Coalition Commander, HelljumperMac


Service Options

1) Task Force Auxiliary Crew – First step, basic non-unit designated member. Casual member of the Task Force who is free to join events, participate socially and experience the Org with no pressure.

2) TF Crewmember – Fully fledged member of the Task Force. Able to take part in events and represent us with minimal expectations

——————————————————CAREER PATHS———————————————————————————————-

3) Bridgecrew – Serves on the bridge of Task Force vessels. includes Bridge Technician, Ship Pilot, Navigation, Gunnery Crew and remote turret Gunnery Crew

4) Raider Company – Infantry Company of the Task Force. Ground and ship to ship operations

5) Engineering Company – Repair, ream, refit, refuel the Task Force and keeps us going! Designs and researches new a exciting ways to weaponize hate and discontent

6) Task Force Air Group – Fighter, Bomber and Dropship Pilots for the Task Force

—————————————————-ADDITIONAL DUTIES—————————————————————————————-

7) Mission Planning Cell – Plans Task Force events and publishes orders

8) Battlestaff – Usually a Team Leader of a Career Path. Leadership role. Plans Task Force events, publishes orders and Command & Controls events.


1) Drama free zone – We are all family here, take care of one another. Leave the teen drama somewhere else. Drama will not be tolerated in the Task Force.

2) Positivity over Negativity – Negativity is a disease that can take over. Any negative members have got to go. We’re not expecting sunshine and rainbows 24/7, but don’t be toxic

3) Real life first – keep the main thing the main thing.

4) Be respectful – Treat others the way you’d want to be treated. Treat all your fellow members and our allies with respect.

5) No jerks allowed – Being a jerk is not acceptable. We won’t accept jerks as members. We will never be jerks. Life’s too short. Jerks are not allowed.

6) Be a good teammate – Do your duty to the Task Force & help the team win, never accept “good enough”. It’s about the team, not you.

7) Everyone knows the Mission – no decision is made in a vacuum or behind closed doors. Everyone will know what we are doing and WHY