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    Bounty Hunting

( Star Citizen Indonesia OrigiNation )



SCION has a long farthest history that stretches to even a more ancient time before humanity even threaded beyond their home world: planet “Earth”. It was from when humanity still grounded to the earth they set foot on.

The great archipelago of Indonesia, of which ancient Greeks named it from the word “Indos” and “Nesos”, stretches along the earth equator. Engulfed with natural riches, beauties and wonders, a legendary paradise.

With seas and oceans separating them, many warlords and political leaders tried to unite them as whole for centuries. Most notable was Gajah Mada, of the 14th century Majapahit Empire on Earth, famous for his Palapa Oath. He pledged not to taste earthly pleasure until he united the whole archipelago into the embrace of the empire. Also from his great spiritual inspiration, SCION was founded at first. For unity and the glory of Indonesia, circa 2380, coinciding with the birth of “United Nations of Earth” (UNE).

Indonesians have their own history of struggle, conflicts, and unification. Have tasted imperialism, colonialism, democracy and tyranny during their stretch of history on Earth. Thus the creation of SCION: “Star Citizen Indonesia OrigiNation” with its mission reminding Indonesians of their true origin and spirit of unity no matter where they go. With its members known as SCIONeers among fellow star travellers, it is more than a name, it is also the pride that accompany them through the void of space.

As the unified UNE (United Nations of Earth) evolved into colonialistic UPE (United Planets of Earth) and then later into imperialistic UEE (United Empire of Earth), SCIONeers saw that this was truly a reverse evolution of humanity.

In 2920, the disparity between the rich and the poor was reaching an all-time divide in humanity’s history. No stranger in SCION’s history. The spirit of unification, inspired by Gajah Mada of ancient times, has fuelled SCIONeers to unite and fight the justice and disparity, the corruption and greed that marred humanity.

Year 2920 was the first time SCION Commander stepped in and appeared in public, as a symbol of hope for unity for all. Not only for Indonesians, but humanity as a whole. This also marks the first public release of the SCION syndicate to the general public to view in its majesty and glory.


The main figurehead of SCION is the SCION Commander.
The SCION Commander is a mysterious figure, no one outside of SCION ever heard of him/her. Some said he/she is an immortal and is even one of the first founders of SCION itself!

The Commander oversees whole of SCION from behind the scenes. The only ones known working with the Commander directly are the archiefs of SCION. They hold the highest executive position in SCION.

SCION Commander is rumoured to have access to numerous tech, human and alien-alike, due to his/her close relation with them. One of the basis of his/her immortality is attributed to unknown strange alien tech, also possible that it is from an alien race unknown to the UEE.


SCIONeers are not truly bound by UEE rules and/or law.
For we fight for justice and justice are not bound exclusively to the UEE, but for all humanity and all alien races alike.
This gave rise to the state of SCION being marked as a syndicate by the UEE, operating on the edges
of UEE law.


  1. Stand firm and fight undivided.
  2. Ensure the unification of distant societies of humanity.
  3. Secure and guard the sovereignty of the unified Indonesian territories.
  4. Protect and restore the unity of the Indonesia nations among the stars.
  1. Freedom to live in liberty.
  2. Freedom against inequality.
  3. Freedom against discrimination.
  4. Freedom against oppression.
  1. Justice for all! Regardless of race, nation, nor religion.
  2. Justice above all. Break UEE law if we must, for justice!
  3. Justice beyond the stars. No matter where we go, for justice we fight!
  4. Justice is not blind. Justice remembers. We never forget!


  1. We follow the rules and direction of our venerated SCION Commander.
  2. For the SCION Commander, we fight and live!
  3. We don’t fight and steal from among ourselves.
  4. We operate foremost in peace and with intention of preservation of life and peace.
  5. We protect those in need and those treated by injustice.
  6. We defend and fight when provoked and when our rights are violated.
  7. But we are not afraid to fight and wage war when required!
  8. We trade with anyone openly and process any business requests impartially and indiscriminately.
  1. Any conducts violating SCION Commander’s Prime Directives will be severely punished!
  2. SCION Commander hold the final judgment of any misconduct within the syndicate.
  3. Financial and administrative punishment will be given accordingly and based on the severity of the acts done.
  4. In SCION Commander we trust and uphold SCION final judgment.
We live, breath, bleed, and die for SCION and SCION Commander!
Long live SCION and SCION Commander!