Star Citizen Ireland / SCIE

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  • Freelancing


The Banshee system was discovered more than 600 years ago when Adaliz Dayan, a member of the Immram Association, a band of terraforming workers in the Fora system, found a jump to the new system. Dayan managed to inform her group of the co-ordinates, but was never seen or heard from again after making the jump.

The system is named after Dayan, with Banshee having been her Sataball arena name.

The Immram Association’s name comes from an ancient type of Irish folk tale where a hero travels to an ‘Otherworld’, often not returning.

We are their descendants.

“Haulers take heed or the death for which this Banshee keens will be your own.”
– Old Folk Saying

“Take the worst, most awful place in the ’verse, and you can be damn sure there’s not only someone who wants to live there, but who will think you’re crazy for wanting to live anywhere else.
These are my people.”
– Senator Junger Ries, Lorona, address to constituent dinner, 2943


Creating a community of Star Citizens on the island of Ireland.

Stimulating discussion and organising events among Irish Star Citizens.


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