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UK Smugglers Alliance / SAUK

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Smuggling
  • Freelancing

Welcome to the Smugglers Alliance.
Our Motto is simple – “Anywhere, Anytime, Anything”
Check out the history section to find out how this will work.
One ship can make a small profit, but a fleet can make a fortune….


Welcome to the Smugglers Alliance

We are an affiliation of fighter and freighter pilots who get together to supply those goods and products that are either hard to come by or deemed illegal. While one freighter can supply a small cargo, as a fleet we can take advantage of bigger payouts, which we then share out amongst the ships that take part, its then up to the individual ships captains to divide there share amongst their crew. Of course a fleet of heavily laden down freighters, while not completely defenceless are likely to be the target of pirates, local militias, mercenaries, even the UEE, so at times a fighter escort may be required to support the fleet, in these occasions these pilots will also get a share.

We may skirt the fringes of illegality but that doesn’t me we don’t treat our members fairly, all ships share equally in the rewards whether your ship’s an Idris or a Hornet, just because you’re hauling the goods while the fighter just supports doesn’t mean you won’t be grateful for their inclusion when you come under fire!

So how will it work – obviously we’re still to find out how the mechanics will work in the PU, but here are my initial thoughts – once you join the alliance feel free to add your comments.

Once a planet and product has been matched and identified, the Ship’s Captain who will lead the mission will post on the Alliance page.
All interested parties will then sign up, and between them agree how much they will invest in the endeavour. Every ship must invest – this will prevent pilots from running or dumping their cargo at the first sign of difficulty.
Funds will be transferred to a central account (not sure how this will work but given Chris Roberts recent comments on banks and escrow accounts sure it will be possible).
The Fleet Captain will then determine the route, departure time, etc, they can either do this by committee or on their own.
On successful completion of the mission the income of the sales will be placed into the central account and then shared out.

Think of this endeavour as a modern reworking of the Elizabethan Merchants who got together to sail for the new world.

So what are the benefits?
Bigger returns – shared equally.
Protection as part of a fleet – not a lone ship
Reduced financial risk.
Greater intel, with different members feeding in planets and products we can share the details and pool our resources.
As an alliance you decide which missions to take, you won’t be penalised if you join but never take part, although you won’t be able to share in the rewards!


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