Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


The Sanguine Oath / SANGO

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Piracy

Those who take the Sanguine Oath become a family. Their oath is their bond. We are loyal. We take care of our own. On the outside we’re just another citizen in the galaxy, but beneath the surface we’re a nation – bound in the oath and bought with the blood of our fallen.


The original oath makers were once members of a well established criminal organization on the outskirts of UEE space. The Vanduul changed all of that.

I wasn’t one of them – I was just there to buy some weapons on the black market. Bad timing though. I was there during one of the early attacks. It was pure chaos, but in that chaos a leader arose. He lead a group into the fray against the Vanduul – wielding crude pieces of metal scrap that had been ripped from the building we had taken shelter in. As I was running out, I saw him kill the first Vanduul I had ever seen – I’m told by others that he killed four before he left to join us. He held them off long enough for some of us to escape to the hidden basement in a building across the street. Only a few of the men survived their encounter, and when they returned we could tell from their solemn looks that they were the only survivors – That we were the only survivors.One of their comrades was badly injured. We watched in horror. We could do nothing to prevent him from bleeding out – nothing to stop the life from fading from his eyes. Then . . . that’s when it happened.

Our leader looked at his fist, covered in the blood of the man we just watched give his last breath, covered in the blood of the man who had saved his life, and he spoke those words I will never forget:

“There’s blood and rage of sanguine red,
Spilled from brave men so freshly dead,
And on their deaths new lives we’ll make,
Giving breath and blood for each others’ sake.”

We needed guidance, and he spoke of a future that appealed to us. He created the Sanguine Oath right there and then. He turned and addressed me – knowing that I was not a member of their faction.

I had the honor of being the first to take the oath. We’ve looked out for one-another since that day.


This area will be filled out with lore-based information.

Coming Soon.


Career opportunities

Combat forces:

We will have well-organized combat operations in both space and FPS settings – as well as protocols that loosely govern how we operate in combat.

Combat ops are organized, but not difficult to learn or understand. They amount to our clan tactics. New recruits will be trained to be effective in combat and other aspects of operation. We will be looking for people capable of both leading small to medium-size operations, as well as people who can coordinate under such leaders. Leaders will be chosen upon proving their skill not only in combat, but leadership.


We will be acquiring various goods, ships, etc. – and will need management in this regard. Members who are willing to transport or trade goods will be needed, and well protected.

Major areas of focus in trade will involve information and ships – but will also include miscellaneous and/or human cargo – so savvy traders and small-scale haulers with the ability to move quickly (sometimes through dangerous areas) will be valuable assets to us. Haulers, of course, will most often have escorts to ensure their success.


This will be an integral part of our general operation. At first, mostly as a defensive measure, and sometimes for scouting – but as time goes on we will do our own infiltrations. People will be approached for this by the leadership. Applicants will most likely be denied.

Any Other Role:

We will accept all comers who are loyal to the clan. We eventually will branch out into other trades in larger ways – but any pioneers will not only be welcomed, but will likely serve in a leadership role in such endeavors in the future.

This includes: Exploration, Mining, Fuel Acquisition, Large-Scale Transport, Science, or any other unique role you would like to fill.



(These rules are designed to encourage the ideals that the clan espouses and create the best overall game-play experience for its members.)
  1. We do not discriminate based on gender, ethnicity, or in-game laws. You may engage in whatever type of game-play you wish regardless of the aforementioned factors.
  1. We do not harm other members or allow harm to come to other members in any way through negligence, apathy, malice, or even gross incompetence without offering some sort of restitution. The method of restitution will be decided upon between the involved parties, or by a designated mediator. Further guidelines are as follows.
    • You do not commit crimes against other clan members, or turn in other clan members for crimes they have committed.
    • You do not knowingly harm non-clan members if doing so would harm a clan member financially or otherwise.
    • You do not bail on clan members in combat or other dangerous situations unless you absolutely have to for the completion of a mission, or to prevent further collateral damage.
    • If harm comes to an ally in a way that is deemed to be your fault, the first remedy taken is to simply have some sort of restitution paid – usually financial.
  1. Rules of acquisition are to be followed on all group missions involving a SANGO member (regardless of whether the entire group is a part of SANGO) unless a different method of dividing loot is decided ahead of time. The rules are as follows:
    • All operation costs must be paid off the top before any cuts are taken. If the mission is not successful, members are expected to share the total cost equally.
    • Any sort of ‘finders’ fee or other privileged pay is taken out before any other payments, unless paid in the form of an increased % of the take.
    • Privileged pay can be requested at any point due to increased responsibility, rank, exceptional performance, or other factors. If asked for in advance – and agreed to – this must be paid. If asked for after the fact, such as in the event of ‘exceptional performance’ – it may be denied.
    • Unless specified otherwise, the ‘loot’ after overhead costs will be divided equally – or – the members of the mission will be paid a basic wage, and the asset will be kept by the faction itself.
      • The decision of when the latter should occur will be made by the leadership council.
      • Members who manage to bring something of enough value for the council to keep will likely be paid again, as well as receive some sort of other benefit – such as a promotion.
      • It is mandatory for anything that is both – of value to the clan – and captured during a clan operation – to be submitted to the council for a decision. Non-disclosure of an event such as this will incur a penalty – which will be decided upon by the leader of the clan. Examples of what is expected to go through this process will be listed before the game launches.
      • Any and all acquisitions made solo, or only with the help of non-clan members are not subject to this process in any way. They are the personal property of whoever acquires them – However, it is encouraged that such things are shared with the clan anyways – and doing so will result in the same benefits mentioned before, but to a greater extent.
  1. Treat other members with respect. If something you do or say offends them or makes them uncomfortable – do your best to refrain from such behavior with that person in the future. Don’t harass other players. Use good judgement.
  1. If you have a dispute of any kind with another member, try to resolve it yourself – if you cannot, seek out or message a clan member designated as a mediator.

Guidelines and Tips:

We encourage you to party up with SANGO members before putting job postings out elsewhere.

Role playing Tips:

  • We encourage role playing.
  • You may role-play as yourself, or as a ‘created character’.
  • Do not intentionally break immersion.
  • Do not make fun of others who are role-playing.
  • Try to use the correct names for objects – or realistically immersive and well-known nick-names. (like Connie for constellation.)
  • While in combat, if you’re commanding – command in an immersive way.
  • Follow the orders of and respect ranking members.
  • Role-play during interactions with other players. –
    • Example: If you hail a ship, speak in a way appropriate to your role. Perhaps an ultimatum or threat as a bounty-hunter/ pirate – or a simple greeting stating your name and ships name as a transport (or someone pretending to be a mere transport).
  • Don’t “over-act.” If you can’t act, just role-play as yourself rather than a ‘character.’
  • Most of all – Have Fun!

When role-play is not encouraged:

  • When explaining a game mechanic or teaching someone who is confused.
  • During casual conversations and greetings and other obviously non-game related interactions.

Management/ Ranks

Higher ranks command lower ranks – unless specifically designated otherwise.


Overall leader and manager of the clan.

Council Member:

Functions as a unit with the leader. Basically, these are the guys the leader consults before making a decision. These are hand-picked by the leader. They are the ranking member when the leader is away.

Senior Officer:

Skilled individuals who are in charge of a group or faction operation – usually related to their particular skill(s). (This can include real-world skills as well as in-game skills.)

Junior Officer:

Loyal individuals who focus on recruiting and lead operations when no higher ranking officer is present. This rank is eligible to become a Senior Officer.


This is the regular rank and file of the clan. They have proven themselves to meet or exceed the minimum criteria set to join, and have agreed to the terms of joining.

Greater Coalition Member:

This is includes allies who are primarily members of other organizations, but are are loyal allies to the Sanguine Oath.

You rank up by impressing those above you – The same as any organization – This will be more well-refined at a later date.

Web: TBA
MobiGlas: TBA


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