Welcome to our Org Profile. Feel free to browse the member list and check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us.
Blackbird Company is the culmination of a group of people with a similar dream and a need to protect that dream from would-be detractors. Founded in 2907, shortly after the discovery of the Stanton system, a group of cargo pilots began travelling with each other to minimize losses to local pirate factions. The impromptu fleet grew larger and larger until a few of the pilots decided to make the fleet official. With that, Blackbird Company was born. However, the size of the newly founded org didn’t dissuade many of the pirate factions, so a squadron of combat pilots was hired to “handle security”. This saw a split in responsibilities. The original group of cargo pilots would handle civilian contracting, while the combat squadron would be in charge of security and PMC contracting. This ensured that a large amount of operations could be considered by the company at large.
Blackbird Company is primarily a trading org with a combat/security focused branch. However, we are always on the lookout for new avenues and team-members. While the org’s focus at large may be trading, exploration, salvage, mining, etc are welcome additions to the Blackbird brand. If a prospective member feels their talent will be better used elsewhere, we don’t want to step on their toes.
The members of Blackbird Company make up a diverse group, so whether you are a new citizen of the stars or a veteran of the verse, you will have a place here.
Members of Blackbird Company are free to take their own contracts. Joining this org will simply grant you access to resources a solo pilot may not otherwise have access to.
We offer access to ships and other vehicles as well as training and support. Not sure you’re ready to set off on your own? Serve aboard one of our Capital Ships and put a few miles on your career before deciding what role you want to fill.
Blackbird Company does not condone nor participate in any acts of piracy. It also does not condone the trading/transport of any illicit materials.
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