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The Rumble Bees / RUMBLEBEES

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Welcome to The Rumble Bees.

We are an all-around Club of Cargo Haulers, Transporters, Explorers, Mercenaries, Freelancers, and most of all Pilots / Drivers, and Racers.

Feel free to apply if you would like to join. Or if you have any other trademarks/jobs you would like to bring.


Team was founded by a group of friends looking to get into the racing community and just have fun. From there we have branched out to the Cargo Hauling, Transporting, Exploring, Mercenaries and Freelancers when we aren’t in the pilot / driver seat racing our ships and ground vehicles.

Official first team race was the “2953 Greycat Social” with the Tumbril Cyclone RC. Team “DNF” the race due to a collision, but did place 27th overall out of 72 teams.


Intentions are to become one hell of a Racing Team among the Stars, and the Racing Community.

When we aren’t racing we are tackling other projects, secondary skills, or practicing our racing techniques.


Be friendly towards each other. This includes:
- No Hate Speech
- No bulling or hazing. Nothing wrong with having a good time, Don’t take it overboard.

Know you aren’t just representing yourself on the track, you are representing “The RumbleBees”. Be Professional.