Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Total Immersion Roleplay / ROLEPLAY

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Social

“Total Immersion Roleplay” aims to provide the most compelling roleplay environment in Star Citizen by creating individual role-specific companies each with it’s own unique identity. Interaction between companies will be completely in-character to take RP to a whole new level!


All information on this page is OOC!

TIR- Total Immersion Roleplay exists as TIR- Terran Intercorporate Referrals in the Star Citizen ‘Verse, a company dedicated to arranging mutually beneficial business relationships and contracts between corporations.

Formed in mid 2014, this organization was founded for the purpose of bringing together RP players who prefer to completely immerse themselves in the Star Citizen universe.

Our member organizations:

Apocrita Mining Corp.

Gunslinger Enforcement

Astraios Exploration

Farpoint Logistics

Dambada Salvage and Repair

Holdings & Trust™

Team Slippery Pixels®

The Emporium™

Sterling Silver Horizons™


Red Trillium Emergency Response®

We have active players on voice comms playing Arena Commander several nights each week, we would love for you to join us!

(Click here to Visit founder Trip Rodriguez’ AWESOME livestream from 10:30pm to 2:30am Eastern Time Monday through Friday!)


This organization is meant to create the deepest immersion possible in the SC universe!

Within our RP group we will have separate companies dedicated to:

…..and more!

This list of orgs will hopefully grow with our membership, branching off into even more specialized companies.

Choose your career path and fully immerse yourself in it! Though members of each company will be permitted to branch out and try any kind of work they want, official inter-company operations will be exclusively within the scope of the company specialty.

If you get bored with one career, you are welcome to quit that job and apply for a job in a different company within our network.

All interactions (with the exception of TIR management meetings) between the companies will be completely in character, allowing us to live out our sci-fi fantasies!


[[The following is all very rough and subject to change!]]

TIR operates it’s own role specific companies but independent companies may be added to the network if they meet the following requirements:

The company must maintain the outward appearance of being somewhat role specific
The company must have a SPECTRUM tag that does not conflict with RP or the name/role of the company
The company must agree that any joint operations with TIR will be completely “in character”.
The company is expected to participate in at least one TIR joint operation per month. (Note: Exceptions may be made and this is subject to change.)
The company must have a “Chaotic Good”, “Lawful Neutral”, or “Lawful Good” alignment.

Member organizations may internally diversify for variety and a reasonable level of self sufficiency but these operations may not involve members of other TIR affiliated organizations. In any operation that involves members of two or more TIR organizations, all participants absolutely must be engaged only in activities appropriate to their current employer.

Any member may change careers at any time by moving over to a member organization appropriate to their new career of choice.