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Strength gives life, for the strong will survive. Honour is life, for with no honour one may as well be dead. Loyalty shapes life, for, without one’s org, one has no purpose
You’re not alone there
This Charter of The Ronin Initiative, as ratified on the 13th of January 2947 herewith in outlines the rules, regulations, and code of conduct for Ronin Initiative (RIO) as established by the board of executives.
1.1 At RIO, we believe that strong leadership is integral to organizational success. We are dedicated to building an organization based on quality, compliance, rigorous training standards and flawless execution.
1.2 Our executive management team comprises seasoned professionals with decades of experience in the military and private sectors. Additionally, RIO is guided by a distinguished Corporate Directorate responsible for corporate governance.
2.1 RIO will only engage in ethically sound practices that do not bring disrepute to the initiative.
2.2 RIO acts as an independent organisation that acts outside any government or agency, however we strive to continue to maintain good relations with all entities and allies.
2.3 The Initiative is still committed to the norms of intergalactic law and behaviours and will endeavour to respect the sovereignty, rights of all governments and entities.
2.4 RIO does not condone, nor will it ever become involved in, the violation of human rights as embodied within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UEE Convention of Human Rights.
2.5 We expect our members to display our core values of Honor, integrity, Accountable, Courage, Loyalty and Selfless Service
3.1 RIO will adhere to all applicable law and regulation held within this charter. RIO personnel are required to report in full on any incident in which they are involved, or which they witness which might involve an unlawful act or act that brings disrepute to the Initiative. RIO will fully investigate any such report, or complaints from third parties, to the extent that the operational environment permits.
3.2 Members of RIO will not conduct terrorist acts (griefing) or acts that a reasonable person would consider as the above mentioned. For the purpose of this document, terrorist acts (griefing) are defined as any such act that does not produce a financial or strategic gain.
3.3 Members of RIO can be affiliated with other organisations but must maintain RIO as their main organisation. Failure to maintain RIO as their main organisation and their membership will be revoked.
3.4 The 13th man rule will govern how many executives are allowed to sit on the board of executives.
3.5 All votes at board meetings are final. A decision made by the board of executives can only be challenged once the original ruling has be employed for a month on appeal.
4.1 The overall behavioural standard expected of RIO personnel is set down clearly and is monitored in considerable detail by all levels of the rank structure. The motto adopted by RIO is ‘The standard you walk passed, is the standard you accept’ and all levels of rank understand that ignorance is not an excuse.
4.2 These standards are set with the requirement to always comply with relevant laws and engage ethical dealings and include but are not limited to:
Professional and technical competence,
Restraint and maturity,
Honesty and integrity including professional ethics with regard to financial irregularities, inducements, incentives etc,
Compassion, respect and dignity,
Discretion and confidentiality,
Full understanding of requirements and constraints of their current mission,
Social and environmental responsibility,
Cultural sensitivity,
4.3 Ensuring these standards are met is the task of the RIO management structure and chain of command at all levels. A formal disciplinary procedure exists to deal with any deviation from the standards laid down and overall responsibility lies with the Board of Executives.
4.4 RIO will provide detailed training to ensure personnel understand the standards expected of them, such training will include without limitation specifics with regard to anti-corruption, non-bribery and human rights.
5.1 All RIO personnel are selected in as thorough a way as possible and are required to meet the threshold to be accepted as a Ronin. These checks are conducted by the recruitment officer but are ultimately the responsibility of the board of executives.
5.2 RIO will carry out a thorough check of each application to include:
The applicant is not a member or affiliate of another organisation,
Accepts the laws and regulations as set out in this charter,
Display the qualities expected of members of RIO
5.3 Once accepted, the new member will then undergo induction and special task initial training, where they will choose their chosen field. This will be followed by continuation training once on task, together with career development training. Periodic specialist training will also take place. The purpose of the training is both to ensure professional competence and efficiency and also to develop skill and maturity to avoid poor decision making that may lead to unnecessary incidents.
6.1 The quality assurance ethos is fundamental to RIO to ensure smooth day to day operation, maintenance and retention of documents, recognition of achievements and identification of key assets.
6.2 All personnel are encouraged to adhere to the RIO Quality Assurance Standards (QAS), to comment on it and participate in the process to continually improve RIO perceived and actual performance as part of QAS.
6.3 The QAS ensures that reviews of all work in progress are carried out, reviewed, voted on and implemented.
6.4 Adherence to the QAS leads to increased personnel and wider Initiative satisfaction which in turn leads to long-term strategic advantages.
7.1 The oversight and management of all RIO’s operations is the responsibility of the RIO Board of executives and the directed chain of command as laid out in Chain of command and ranks structure 2947 version 1.2.
7.2 Each project has a clearly defined and responsible chain of command. The chain of command is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the project or operations assigned to them. The offices are required to provide timely feedback through the chain of command to ensure continuity in all day to day operations.
7.3 The development of initiative and general oversight of the RIO is provided by the Board of Directors. The Board consists of a number of senior military, diplomatic, intelligence and industry figures who provide guidance and advice to the executive management on request.
7.4 The RIO Executives Board has established a QAS Review Board for month to month monitoring of the RIO QAS. Trends, Statistics, feedback, reporting tools and other audit reports, are used to assess the continuing relevance of RIO’s QAS projects over time and to ensure continuous improvement.
7.5 It is encouraged that members from all levels of RIO provide their feedback and input to better advance RIO into the future. All feedback is to be passed on to the board of executives through the board of directors to allow either the board, or if a large enough change, all members to vote on.
7.6 On a monthly basis the board of executives will provide an update to the all members of RIO on all inistivative related matters. At the end of the presentation, the board of executives will conduct a QA to answer any concerns members may have.
8.1 All levels of RIO are required to provide some level of commitment, however the amount, responsibilities and expectations will grow as members attain higher rank. Whilst a recruits requirements to duty are merely to enjoy events, members of the High command, directors and executives are required to maintain, develop and be evolved in all operations within Ronin.
8.2 Rank is not a right nor should be seen as a reward. Members of RIO who have displayed attributes and are dedicated will be promoted. All promotions should be seen as obtaining more responsibility and anyone unable to maintain these responsibilities should, on their own accord, stand down to a lesser position for the benefit of all.
8.3 Should ranking members fail to meet their responsibilities and fail to stand down and appoint another member to hand over to, The board of executives will vote on the retention of the member.
8.4 All members are subordinate to each office in their command structure above them, and are in command of each member subordinate to their office. Each member is expected to rise to the expectations and duties of their station.
8.5 Rankings and Positions are laid out in Chain of command and ranks structure 2947 version 1.2. All members are required to review and understand this document.
8.6 All members of RIO are expected, whilst on the battlefield, to follow the orders of their superior officer to the best of his or her ability.
8.4 In accordance with the RIO values, all levels of rank are to ensure that quality work is appropriately reviewed and to acknowledge good work ethics to encourage loyalty and continuity.
8.5 All work presented by members should be reviewed and presented to the board of directors. The board of directors are required to submit all work to the board of executives for a vote.
9.1 RIO actively supports social responsibility and understands the real world issues should always come before the interests of RIO
9.2 We take a strong and dedicated interest in members’ well-being and strongly encourage a social environment both inside RIO and in the wider community.
9.3 RIO has implemented the ‘mate check’ program to encourage others to check on their mates and support each other in times of need.
9.4 The Board of executives are expected and encourages others to bring forward any concerns they have for any other member’s well-being so RIO can seek to support them in any way possible.
10.1 The Rules of engagement are set out in guidelines on the Ronin Initiative rules of engagement 2947 version 2.3 and are strictly adhered to.
10.2 All members of RIO are required to have a detailed knowledge of the rules of engagement and understanding of the implications if these rules are ignored. Ignorance is not an excuse for breaking and terms under the ROE and all levels of rank are required to enforce the ROE
10.3 The ROE is issued out to all members via a OFOF card that clearly displays a flow chart which can easily be followed in the event of any engagement.
10.4 Any aggression by alliance members or violation of said alliance is to be reported to the diplomatic division, as well as the Board of executives, and an investigation is to be raised.
10.5 Any member violating the ROE or witness to such a violation is required to report the interaction to the Board of Directors and disciplinary action will be recommended and actioned by the Board of executives if required.
11.1 RIO promotes constructive engagement and cooperation with other organisations and allies operating in the same area of operations and strives not to hinder any operation or humanitarian efforts but endeavour to ensure all assistance that can be provided is offered.
11.2 All government agencies will be informed of our intention and operation if the operation environment allows, to ensure no miscommunication or blue on green instances. This should allow all agencies to continue operating in the area without hindering RIO operations.
11.3 RIO members will respect the culture, religion and ethnic customs, dignity and rights of the communities and regions in which they operate. Members will to the best of their ability and wherever possible, rigorously oppose violation of these rights.
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