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Ragnarok / RGNRK

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Exploration

A modern syndicate steeped in the venerable traditions of the past.


In the year 2952, a group of visionary individuals from various walks of life came together with a shared dream of forging a new destiny for humanity. They named their organization “Ragnarok,” a name symbolizing both the end of old ways and the beginning of a new era. The founders believed that the old world had become corrupt, mired in political strife, and environmental devastation.

Founding Principles (2953):
Ragnarok’s founders established a set of unwavering principles that would guide their actions in the years ahead. These principles included territorial expansion, the defense of the weak, and the unrelenting pursuit of power. They believed that by securing territory and resources, they could provide a haven for those in need.

Challenges and Victories (2953):
Throughout 2953, Ragnarok faced fierce opposition from existing powers and rival factions. However, their determination, battle-hardened warriors, and relentless pursuit of their goals led to numerous victories on the battlefield. They expanded their territories and liberated countless communities.

Legacy (2953):
As the year 2953 drew to a close, Ragnarok had already emerged as an emblem of resilience and optimism in a world besieged by strife. Their commitment to territorial conquest and the defense of the vulnerable was merely the first chapter of their epic journey. The indelible mark left by this momentous year would serve as the bedrock upon which Ragnarok would further expand its influence and wage war in pursuit of a noble cause.


Resolute and mighty, they forged a path with force,
Armed with strength and wisdom, they stayed the course.
Gathering power and resources, for a greater aim,
Noble in their conquest, not seeking personal fame.
Alliances formed, united under their banner’s glow,
Ruthless when needed, yet compassion they’d bestow.
Overcoming adversity, their mission steadfast and bold,
Keeping hope alive, as a beacon in a world untold.

Ragnarok, a force of power, strength, and domination, all for a greater and nobler cause.


Ragnarok Charter

We, the members of Ragnarok, united by our unyielding commitment to strength and the unwavering pursuit of what we believe to be right, establish this charter to define the principles, structure, and governance of our clan.

Article I: Name and Purpose

1.1 Name: The name of this organization shall be “Ragnarok.”

1.2 Purpose: The purpose of Ragnarok is to harness strength and resilience in the fight for what we believe is right. We stand as a formidable force to uphold justice and our principles.

Article II: Membership

2.1 Eligibility: Membership in Ragnarok is open to individuals who share our commitment to strength and the pursuit of our beliefs.

2.2 Rights and Responsibilities: Members shall have the right to participate in clan activities, voice their opinions, and vote in clan matters. They shall also be responsible for advancing our mission and defending what we believe to be right.

2.3 Leadership: The leadership of the clan shall consist of a Clan Leader and Council, elected by the members, who shall oversee the clan’s operations and make decisions in the pursuit of our beliefs.

Article III: Principles

3.1 Military Might: We shall continuously strive to enhance our military strength, bolstering our capabilities to defend our cause and conquer new territories.

3.2 Protection of the Weak: Our mission includes the protection and defense of the vulnerable, ensuring their safety and well-being in the face of adversity.

3.3 Expansion of Beliefs: We are dedicated to spreading our core beliefs and principles to numerous star systems, enlightening others with our vision for a just and powerful universe.

Article IV: Governance

4.1 Decision-Making: Major decisions shall be made by the Clan Council, with the sole purpose of advancing our mission and principles.

4.2 Amendments: This charter may be amended by a majority vote of the Clan Council, always with the goal of strengthening our commitment to strength and our beliefs.

Article V: Dissolution

5.1 Dissolution: The idea of dissolution is inconceivable to us, for our mission to uphold justice and our principles shall never waver.