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Welcome to the The REGIMENT
A place for Active Duty, Veterans and civilians to explore the Star Citizen universe and all it has to offer.

Check out our Discord Server with 70,000+ active members!




The REGIMENTt exists as a place for currently serving Military Members, Veterans, and our supporters of Regiment.gg to come together and play amongst the stars.

Star Citizen gives Military Personnel and Veterans the opportunity to do what they were trained to do as a unit once again. It allows us to restore lost camaraderie. It allows us to plan and execute missions, and work towards a common goal in a controlled environment – sometimes against insurmountable odds.

Founded in 2020 Regiment.GG opened it’s doors in an effort to prevent Military/Veteran suicide, and restore the lost friendships made during our time serving in the US Military. Since then we’ve grown to over 70,000 members, and have raised over $300,000 dollars for US Military Charities. Our current partners: GFuel Energy | Paradox Customs |

Find us at Regiment.GG online, or join our Discord server at Discord.gg/regiment.

We look forward to seeing you, and welcome home to our Service members & Veterans! o7


Mission Statement:

REGIMENT is a military oriented community intent on providing a place for those who have served and continue to serve to find more online battle buddies. Cut from the same cloth, we will ensure that no one is left to feel alone, deserted, or weak. Regiment also helps support causes that ring close to our hearts through charities and events. We have your six.

Quarterly, we host charity events to support military based charities. Being that not all members play the same games, we’ve rolled out community nights where we bring everyone together to break out of their shell. From party games to movie nights, we want to remind everyone we’re a family.

We are sponsored by GFuelEnergy, Brparadox Use code REGIMENT for discounts.
https://gfuel.com/ | https://www.brparadox.com/

Stay Connected
https://linktr.ee/RegimentGG (Regiment’s Socials)

REGIMENT Merchandise
The TWO-Time


All Regiment Members will conduct themselves in accordance with Regiment discord rules.

Refer to the discord[1] for the full list of rules