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Saurian Combine / RAWR

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

We answer only to ourselves and select clientele. Contracts, affiliation requests and other matters may be directed to Quirc or Sarmanikan.

Membership by affiliation, invitation or sufficiently awesome pitch only.


An enigmatic group with no confirmed base of operations or agenda, the Saurian Combine is suspected of involvement in acts of piracy, extortion, sabotage and grey economics. However, law enforcement has thus far been unable to confirm any links between the group and illicit activities, and the Combine continues to receive and execute government and corporate contracts. A meager Advocacy file and a reputation for honoring contracts regardless of morals or outside interference have conveniently provided the Combine with a intimidating reputation while creating prime fodder for conspiracy theorists.

There is no evidence of an open recruitment program, and the methods with which the Saurians enlarge and maintain membership in their ranks remain unknown.


Business is a combination of war and sport.
— André Maurois

Respect. Integrity. Loyalty. These words ring hollow to many that claim to uphold them, but they represent core business concepts that are a part of life within the Combine. Members of the Combine are expected to heed the following for their own benefit:

  1. One’s word must be kept, and so one must be mindful in providing it.
  2. One’s agreements must be honored, and so one should be careful in entering into them.
  3. One’s reputation must be maintained, and so one should ensure it never remains endangered.

When dealing with the Combine, remember: Do not break faith, and we will not break you.


  • Members must submit only to the Combine, are permitted to administration of their own affairs, and are not bound by any regulation apart from that of the Combine itself.
  • Members may conduct their own business as they see fit, provided these activities serve to benefit the Combine in some way and do not run contrary to the Manifesto.
  • Members may not enter into any arrangements on behalf of the Combine without prior approval from the Triumvirate.
  • Members may not work against each other, the Combine or it’s affiliates in good standing, but are free to deal with outsiders as they see fit.
  • Affiliates must treat members of the Combine with respect and deference in order to remain in good standing.
  • Affiliates must maintain a sincere desire for earning their membership in the Combine.
  • Affiliates in good standing are entitled to protection and benefits at the discretion of the Combine.
  • Affiliates petitioning for membership must be prepared to forfeit other associations at our discretion.