Quantum Republic (QRP) is a True-Neutral global organization, with the goal of always having 20-50 people online in each region so no one is left lonely or isolated. The verse is big and is enjoyed best when with good groups of people.
Below are the Elected Roles and Branch Structure that Quantum Republic operates under. [Brackets indicate area of focus]
Elected position serving 6 months. Serve the community at large.
Elected position serving 6 months. Develop and support the organization discord.
Composed of all elected positions. Convenes on all organizational issues that may potentially be submitted for voting.
Elected position serving 6 months. Coordinates all sectors of the OCE.
Elected position server 6 months. Commands and coordinates Wing, Marine, and Valkyrie corps.
Elected position serving 6 months. Commands and coordinates Special Ops and Force Recon.
To create a casual friendly environment that operates in a democratic way where the community votes on major organizational actions. There is to be a minimal hierarchy, with an emphasis placed on player freedom. This organization will never become a professional environment and is intended to be casual where someone can mine while drinking a beer, tell dirty jokes, and express themselves freely as long as they aren’t abusing anyone. Socially the line is drawn at cruelty, abuse, and clearly unethical behavior.
Each member of Quantum Republic is granted the right to put forth a motion, make an amendment to proposed motions and to vote on how the organization moves forward pursuant to the Voting process, rules and regulations.
As the game has not been completed and many aspects of gameplay are yet to be determined and implemented the current structure of the organization is subject to expansion and reorganization. The current structure seeks to best provide the foundation for organizational gameplay. As such, elected positions within the three branches will likely remain vacant until it is determined that the game has sufficient development for their role to become productive – at which time elections will be held.
The civilian branch will (AT PRESENT) constitute the Office of Commercial Enterprise (OCE) and includes the elected position of its oversight. As such within the civilian branch players are free to operate as they see fit as long as the Code of Conduct (COC) is not violated. If a member runs into an ambiguous situation and is unsure of whether there is a conflict with the COC they may contact a moderator for clarification. Civilian branch players may be requested to participate in non-civilian branch activities but hold no obligation to partake.
Players will group with their respective specializations of either Naval Command (NC) or Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) while participating in QRP combat-related operations. Military play necessitates some level of rigid hierarchy which QRP will put into place minimally in order to facilitate smooth operations. All military command positions will be formed and voted on by the member body as needed. The military branch is ultimately held accountable to all members of QRP. All military command positions are elected positions. As such, the military cannot take control of the Organization fundamentally and may be influenced/modified by submissions voted on and successfully ratified. This includes military actions and structuring. Military branch members will be more accustomed to competitive play and maintaining consistent responsibilities of varying degrees.