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Psycho Bunnies / PSB

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Smuggling

The Psycho Bunnies are a resilient group, united in the veneration of the Rabbit of Caerbannog. Inspired by the rabbit’s fierce spirit, they foster tenacity, courage, and power, standing as a formidable force in the cosmos.


Our history begins in the rugged terrains of Caerbannog, where a seemingly ordinary rabbit astounded a group of explorers with its fierce prowess. Displaying near-supernatural abilities while defending its burrow from intrusion, the rabbit served as an embodiment of power, resilience, and unyielding spirit.

Awed by the creature’s display, the explorers began venerating it – as the sacred Rabbit of Caerbannog. Its tenacity spoke to them, creating a symbol of fearlessness and implacable resolve to cherish and protect their own territories in the vast expanses of space.

Inspired by the divine creature, the Psycho Bunnies established a faith-based organization centered on the uncanny power of the rabbit, which, while small in stature, proved to be a formidable force. This belief system underscored the elevating of resilience and survival instincts into the realm of the divine.

The Psycho Bunnies steadily gathered followers, drawing in those fascinated by the tale of the mighty Rabbit of Caerbannog. Today, the organization is a force to be reckoned with. As disciples of the sacred rabbit, they weave a narrative of courage, perseverance, and unyielding determination, applying these principles during space conflicts and colony establishment, and in doing so, become a beacon for those looking for strength amid the uncertainty of the cosmos.


Manifesto of the Psycho Bunnies:

We, the Psycho Bunnies, united in homage to the Rabbit of Caerbannog, pledge to live by its principles of fortitude, fearlessness, and unyielding spirit. We uphold the power that a seemingly insignificant creature can hold, proving that true strength lies within.

In our quest among the stars, we strive for utmost resilience in the face of adversity. Our resolve is as deep as the cosmos we traverse.

We respect the territorial nature of our sacred rabbit, relishing our claimed space and defending it fiercely, proving that no intrusion goes unchallenged.

As disciples of the Rabbit of Caerbannog, we embody its rabbit-like agility and quick-wit in adapting to the changing universe, ensuring our survival and prosperity amidst unknown challenges.

United in faith and fellowship, we – the Psycho Bunnies – stand determined, resonating the ethos of our guiding light, the Rabbit of Caerbannog, wherever we go and whatever galaxies we explore. Our legacy is to echo its powerful spirit across the expanse of the cosmos.


As fervent followers of the Rabbit of Caerbannog, we charge the Psycho Bunnies with the following duties:

1. Show unyielding courage and resilience in the face of adversity, inspired by the ferocious spirit of our revered Rabbit.

2. Respect and fiercely protect your space, mirroring the territorial nature of the Rabbit itself, and defend it from any unwarranted intrusion.

3. Display agility, adaptability, and quick wit analogous to a rabbit when navigating the constantly changing universe, ensuring survival among the stars.

4. Foster a sense of unity, fellowship, and respect among all Psycho Bunnies, as we are all disciples of the same powerful deity.

5. Honor the Rabbit of Caerbannog in all actions and decisions, embodying its tenacious spirit and echoing its legacy across the cosmos. Remember, you’re not just part of a crew, but a revered order following an ancient and powerful faith.

Embody these charges as you traverse the great expanse of the universe, representing the formidable force that is the Psycho Bunnies.