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Praedonum / PRAEDONUM

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Here and now! Here and now!

Welcome to the Praedonum!

The Praedonum are a lawful and private entity, specializing in lawful asset management. Our lawfully equipped fleet and uniquely lawful operators work tirelessly to bring the very best in lawful consultation and definitely lawful services.


The Praedonum Official Bulletin

Public access -search inquiry: latest


The Praedonum urges the public to disregard any alleged leaked documents from former employees. All Praedonum property is legitimately acquired through a proxy firm, from a secure offworld bank account at Watershed banking, which we maintain is real, and the lack of oversight from any revenue agency is simple a matter of circumstance and not at attempt to hide or launder funds as alleged. Anyone able to hunt out the whereabouts of said former employees will be bountifully compensated, as we’d like hit this matter soon, bump it off our to do list so to speak, and put this entire matter to rest with marine life, so to speak.


The Praedonum welcomes its newest wave of employees! Recent altercations with overzealous UEE forces, which we and our lawyers maintain was the result of police brutality, have created vacancies at the firm.


The Praedonum is proud to announce the completion of yet another internal recovery project. Some outside firms have criticized the business practice of conducting salvage operations for anonymous clients. The Praedonum would like to reassure the public that the secrecy is for the safety of both our clients and their valuable salvage.


In regards to the recent incident near the asteroid P-31853. The Praedonum regrets the altercation between our scouting party and the cargo vessel “Alcubierre”. Due to a navigation error, the group entered restricted space and, due to yet another computer glitch, mistook the cargo ship for a hostile vessel. The Alcubierre’s attempts to flee across the star system were misinterpreted as combat maneuvers in the ensuing skirmish. The Praedonum is grateful to the UEE cruiser that intervened.


Recently documents leaked to the public of a large order of ships and armaments made to the Praedonum. Critics have questioned the company’s need for such specialized ordinance and equipment. Rest assured we only wish to protect ourselves and our clients with the purchase of these items, and ensure the success of our legitimate operations in space. The Drake products are intended as and only used for salvage operations.


The Praedonum would like to publicly denounce the accusation of piracy from Senator Dandolo. We are a legal and ethical organization. On another note our condolences are given for the more recent disappearance of Dondalo’s daughter. We are sure he and his family will show the same valiant vigilance in ensuring her safe return as they do in their politics.


We would like to state again for the record, the Praedonum maintains that the civilian transport convoy fired first. If not for the quick thinking of our intrepid mercenaries, the trade shuttle and militia’s wanton attacks may have been successful. As per our contract with the governing body of the planet the Praedonum is obligated to handle the salvage. We maintain that this is not a conflict of interest.

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Re: Cell block off limits,
Notice to all employees, our V.I.P guest has arrived. She is being held on sublevel B. Access is expressly prohibited. Violators will be dealt with harshly. Stop bringing her crayons Jacob.

Re: Graffiti,
No more drawing on the inside of the bathroom stalls people. I'm looking at you Paul, you're not being funny. Half the ethnic slurs don't even make sense. The hangar isn't in the best shape, and this isn't helping. Poor form guys.

Re: Maintenance,
Note to management the engines on our fighters need tune-ups and routine maintenance like soon or the next "job' you might be doing is towing us home.
I told you already, maintenance says you're on your own maintaining your fighter until you agree to stop eating in your cockpit. Your seats are sticky and they don't want to deal with that.

Re: Hello friends!
Hey guys! Salutations! Who the %$#$ took all the painkillers out of the med kits? You're gonna need them.

Re: Escape pods,
Shouldn't we have them? Why are so many of them missing?
I would also like escape pods.
Escape pods are expensive. Will you guys settle for something cheaper, like, an escape casket?
"Casket" has a connotation I don't like.
Fine, I'll replace the #$%$ing escape pods.

Re: Language,

Can we tone down the language guys? Just cuz we pillage and stuff doesn't mean we need to use such language.
Shut the #%#$ up Jacob.
Shut the %#$# up Jacob
>Proditor: Thread closed: Ticket resolved


Advancement in the Praedonum is a serious and grueling process, and certainly not a facade. Some members of the media have suggested our corporate structure is disorganized, haphazard, muddled, arbitrary, and lacking oversight. Well, our lawyers have Thesauruses too! It may appear as though our employees undertake Praedonum operation at their leisure, but the official position of the Praedonum is that our corporate structure and intensive logistics are totally real, but private.

The Praedonum Commitment.

Any person or entity who wishes to discuss a possible contract, we regret to inform we are not opening contracts at this time. Inquires and salutations may be made. The Praedonum is a private entity, however applicants for membership may feel free to apply. Members will participate in various company methods of searching for, obtaining, and salvaging various vessels and cargo. It is a challenging field, however determined and straightforward tactics often help us find valuable salvage.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


The Praedonum Code

  • Members will not unduly taunt or harass civilians accidentally caught in our legitimate operations.
  • Members will respect other members.
  • Members will publicly maintain the legal and ethical standards of the company.
  • Members may take disputes to HR.
  • Members may recommend candidates.
  • Members may conduct company operations freely as they see fit.