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Planet Express / PLNXP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Resources

“Our crew is replaceable, your package isn’t!”


What is Planet Express
Planet Express Delivery Company was formed in 2944 after it’s founder realized there was a small, but hopefully profitable, need for interstellar delivery companies. There was no plan for world domination, no idealistic philanthropic goals in mind, no plan of any kind really. After bumbling around for a few decades, PlnEx has recently come under new ownership.

Get out there and deliver with the best of em. Planet Express, Inc. is an intergalactic delivery company owned and operated by Professor Farnsworth to fund his research. its headquarters is located in New New York. The company scrapes by, in spite of fierce competition from the current leaders in package delivery. They stay in business thanks to their complete disregard for safety and minimum wage laws, and the Professor’s unscrupulous acceptance of the occasional bribe.

Disclaimer: PlnEx applications are closed to citizens of Omicron Persei 8 after numerous complaints of violence towards other PlanEx crew, in addition to hogging the TV to watch “Single Female Lawyer” and refusal to don the official Planet Express uniform in favor of a cape.


What we can offer
At Planet Express we strive to offer as many services as we can to our loyal customers.
We can offer you:
Transporting Cargo
Transporting dangerous Players and goods
Passenger Transport
Protection of Goods and Passengers

What You Can Expect
You can expect us to deliver fast service to you with some communication between our pilot and you, the customer, throughout the journey. you can ensure your cargo is safe at the hands of our somewhat trusted pilots.
You can expect your goods to make it mostly on time to the location in somewhat good condition.
You can expect a ragtag escort for your goods to be safe from, some but not all, threats that may want to steal or damage your cargo.

Who will we work with?
We will embark on missions for just about anyone! From small private trade missions for whole wanting to leave their mark in the universe to large corporations wanting to Maximilian their profits and status, great policing factions who want to enforce peace to bands of smugglers who need safe delivery of their stolen cargo. If you are a trustworthy partner then we will do any job, we use a state-of-the-art blacklist system to make sure all our pilots and partners legitimate.

We do charge for our services depending on multiple factors including but not limited to:
How far the journey is
How dangerous the journey is
The weight and nature of the cargo
Class of transport (First class, Business class e.c.t.)

However we will strive to give you the best deal on your cargo.
The more you use us as your trusted partner in trading we may give you discounts on your goods to strengthen our business relationship together. We are looking for a close business partner to work with when trading to give the best outcome to both corporations.

“Our crew is replaceable, your package isn’t!”


Our Crew should be:
1. Somewhat trained in flight and delivery services ready to head out on any suici…. I mean delivery missions.
2. Should be able to get along with others.
3. Shouldn’t ask too many questions.
4. Should have a Discord for communications.
5. Should have me added on discord and PMed telling me you applied.

See you on the other side! … Maybe.