• Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Transport

PKINC is a group of some of the best crewmembers in the verse, who come together to man the best ships crew around!

We aim to be a highly competitive large/multicrew ship crew who can turn the tide of battle between orgs. Hirable by anyone, as long as you have the money!


PKINC is a very old gaming organization dating back to the original release of Archeage.

We have since set our sights on Star Citizen, but not as a large/all encompassing org, simply as the best ships crew in the verse!

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The PKINC crew is a ships crew that is hirable by any organization, so long as you have the money.


Members are welcome to be a part of other orgs, and it is encouraged as it builds our connections and potential partners.
When we are active and rolling as a ships crew, if the call is put out to members for help, any active members are expected to assist as part of the PKINC crew.
We aim not to deprive people of other gameplay that other organizations offer, but ultimately we aim to have members who answer the call to be a part of a highly competitive, highly organized ships crew.

Join our discord! https://discord.gg/wvGnBQ88nF