Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Phoenix Industries: Galactic Empire / PHNXEMPIRE

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Resources

From the Ash and Flames of our enemies, Our Empire Shall Rise


In The Beginning

Created in April 2021 We started as 12 Individuals who came to love playing together, We formed a group of
like minded individuals who have been playing together Since March 2021. We have become so much
more, a community of all people who share their dreams and visions and hopes for the Verse, we have
come far, and have much further to go and together, we will grow into a Nation, A place where all Citizens
can feel welcome, grow, experience, find purpose and just have fun. The Possibilities are Endless..

Why Join Phoenix Industries?

Phoenix Industries is a large, Multi-purpose Community, With no limit on what we offer, the
Possibilities are Endless. We Provide stable Opportunity, and help pilots determine where they best fit
into the verse and Help them Excel. We Are an ever growing community who offers its members many
ways to earn and Have fun learning/playing. We are always looking for new things to try and test out.
We pay our members for group activities and we look after our own. Together We own an Armada of
in-game Purchasable ships as well and pledges both flyable and unreleased. Regular Competitive,
and relaxed Ops as well as hosting Big Public Events once per month

Player Content is the best Content, come and experience the Verse in a way you never imagined!

New to the Verse? Phoenix Industries will invest in helping you get started!

We believe in the Value of each member and encourage them to share any and all
idea’s they may have. We Offer a Stable opportunity to advance, learn and grow, and discover your
best potential. A place you can both Appreciate and feel at home with. We welcome players with
all skill sets both new and known and help you excel.
A membership with us, is an investment to the Future.

Phoenix Industries, Providing a Community with Content and Building an Investment to the future.

Our Org Discord: Phoenix Industries Discord (Phoenix Industries: Galactic Empire)
Our Website: (Phoenix Empire)
Phoenix Industries Youtube – Youtube Official Channel

PM Phoenix-Apollo for more details!


What we Offer

At Phoenix Industries, we offer many ways to learn and grow, earn and have fun.
We do not believe in limiting ourselves to any 1 area, but while mastering in a few,
we will have experience in all fields. From PVP-PVE, We Do it all, Group ROC/Ship Mining,
Exploration, Search and Rescue, Smuggling, Racing, FPS Events Like Capture The Pico, Alien
Hunts on the Reclaimer, Bunker Hot drops and Boarding Assaults, to Org vs Org Events,
Competitive Events Like Boxing, Org Hosted Community Events, Security Services,
Trading/Cargo Running, Escort Service and Much More! What ever your interests are,
what ever role or jobs you seek, there is a place for you here.

What We Are

Phoenix Industries is an Industrial Empire, A Galactic Enterprise we call our Home. A Community of many people
who bring countless idea’s together and together we will build the frontier of the Future.
The Possibilities are endless . We Are all about Community, Content, Growth, And Learning.
We love to teach new players and help citizens earn well, with many experienced veteran
players and specialized trainers to help you learn in all the aspects of the game.
Together through our dreams we are building a future.

Content. Community. Growth. Learning.


We Have a ZERO Player Poaching Policy. Respect all members, Obey Officers,
Keep all Politics outside the game At home.

We ask that all members come out to Org Ops, Participate in org discord,
but it is not manditory. We encourage all players to join comms even without a Mic,
meet other members and just have fun with the experience. No Pirating other players
unless said Player is a pirate.

We also ask that all members purchase Defiance Tactical Heavy Armor from Port Olisar
or Grim Hex as our Org likes to use this as our designated Org
Armor for certain Events/ops. Most of the time we just wear our best/fav gear.