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AFO Phantom / PHNTOM

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

(Youtube) – “


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Founded on October 31st, 2016 with roots back to 2013 AFO Phantom is led by several previous Military service members and Civilian Contractors that have come together to build a Club similar to the Motorcycle Clubs of old where brotherhood and having a good time without all the bullshit is first and foremost. The Club has held the #1 Organization for FPS on the leaderboards for a year straight and have the Trainers to make you a top performer. If that sounds interesting to you join us here and our DISCORD

The Club offerers lucrative contracts in all job types and fields.

Member Benefits Full Members also enjoy many benefits to include but is not limited to
  • Paid Contracts
  • Discounted Fuel, Repairs, & Munitions.
  • A home on the Kraken Scout Carrier, Idris Frigate, Endeavors Medical, Various Science Vessels, and the Planetary Colony.
  • Comprehensive Combat Training form Small Arms to Captial Class Warfare.
  • Ease of crew acquisition
Contract Types The Club offers both Open and Closed Contracts.
  • Open Contracts: Members use their own personal equipment, ships, and supplies to complete the contract.Typical smaller contracts.
  • Closed Contracts: are for larger fleet ops with a much higher payout where you will have assigned ships and load-outs to better ensure the completion of the contract.

You, as a Phantom, get to choose the contracts you are willing to take. You, the contractor, decided how much or little UEC you want to earn by how hard you work.
We hope you will find a home with us and make plenty of UEC.

Club Structure
  • Director
  • Deputy Director
  • Club Officer (Full Member with Extra Duties)
  • Full Member
  • Prospect (Looking to become Full Members)
  • Hangaround (Not members)
Looking To Hire Some Merc’s? If you are looking to hire the Club we offer services in several areas. These include but are not limited to
  • Protection Forces
  • Pathfinding
  • Bounty Hunting
  • Research & Development
  • Target Elimination
  • Medical Services, Search & Rescue, & Disaster Relief
  • Reclamation & Maintenance
  • Commerce, Sensitive Acquisition, & Sensitive Transport
  • Colony Construction.

For a list of Ship Hull types available for prospective contracts please see the Charter tab.


Advanced Force Operations Phantom hails from a group of highly trained and organized special operations contractors that can provided a wide range of force multiplication for corporations and governments. In the great words of one Captain Malcolm Reynolds “You got a job, we can do it, don’t much care what it is”.

Advanced Force Operations (AFO) is used to describe mixed Special Mission Unit elements doing long range RECCE/long range target interdiction operations. Other Special Mission Units are also included such as sensitive item transport and procurement as well as colonization of forward worlds.

Many AFO Phantom contracts fall under The Joint Special Operations Command. JSOC commands and controls the Special Mission Units of UEE Special Operations Command. These are elite special operations forces units that perform highly classified activities.

JSOC has provided support to domestic law enforcement agencies during high-profile or high risk events such as the Olympics, the MurryCup, political party conventions and inaugurations. Although use of the military for law enforcement purposes in the UEE. is generally prohibited these contracts are allowed to elite Tier One PMC groups.


List of Ship Hull Types Available for Contract Use.

Protection Force Contracts
Capital Class: Kraken Scout Carrier, Idris M Frigate, Polaris Torpedo Corvette, Hammerhead Corvette
Bombers: Hercules A2 Heavy Bomber, Retaliator Bomber, Vanguard Harbinger, Gladiator Bomber
Drop-ships: Valkyrie, Vanguard Hoplight, Cutlass Black/Blue, Argo
Fighters: Vanguard Warden, Super Hornet, Hornet Tracker, Hornet Wildfire, Arrow
Recon: Terrapin, Hornet Tracker
Ground: Nova Tank, Anvil Rover, Ursa Rover, Cyclone AA/TR/RN, Dragonfly

Spec Ops/Pathfinder Contracts
Capital: Polaris Corvette
Recon/Scouting: Carrack, Terrapin, Saber Raven
Utility: Vanguard Sentinel, Mercury Star Runner, Herald
Bombers: Eclipse
Dropships: Prowler
Fighters: Saber, Razor Ex
Ground: Anvil Rover, Ursa Rover, Cyclone RN, X1 Force

Bounty Hunter Contracts
Medium: Mercury Star Runner, Cutlass Blue
Small: Hawk, Avenger Stalker

Research & Development Contracts
Capital: Endeavor Discovery
Exploration: Carrack, Constellation Aquila, Freelancer Dur, Terrapin

Medical, Search & Rescue, and Disaster Relief Contracts
Capital: Endeavor Hope
Field Hospital: Apollo Triage
Medivac: Apollo Medivac, Cutlass Red

Reclamation & Maintenance (RAM) Contracts
Captial: Endeavor Support
Refueling: Starfarer Gemini, Vulcan
Repair: Crucible
Supply: Hercules M2, Retaliator Base, Cutlass Black, Argo

Commerce, Sensitive Acquisition & Transport Contracts
Colony Construction: Pioneer
Mining: Orion, Prospector
Fuel: Starfarer
Salvage: Reclaimer, Vulture
Cargo: Banu Merchetman, Caterpillar, Hercules C2, Mercury Star Runner, Freelancer Max

If your ship is not listed we still have a place for you and your ship inside the organization.