Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Phantom Thieves of Hearts / PHANSITE

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Freelancing

The universe is full of corrupt hearts and corrupt intentions.


3.X looms on the horizon in the fated year of 20XX, and with the universe about to become much bigger, its also going to get much scarier.
Once content merely looming in the shadows, it seems this small organization has broken out into the limelight, for better or for worse.


Sick of the deception, hypocrisy, and corruption that has spread around the ‘verse and infected its inhabitants, the Phantom Thieves are dedicated to the reform of the galactic conscience. A change in thought and heart that puts justice and morality ahead of avarice, hatred, and ignorance.
If you wish to prey upon those who are innocent, subjugate those who are weak, or support those who would spread unfairness:

You are our enemy.

If you have grievances with those who hunt fresh players for sport, use unfair and broken tactics, or continuously seek to put you down and crush you with superior numbers and firepower, we can be there to help; just send us a request.


Who are the Phantom Thieves?

The Phantom Thieves, down to the basics, is an organization of friends and all around great people looking to have fun in-game, with a stylish and themed organization by their name to boot!

We don’t have any complex rules, divisions, attendance requirements, or dreams of becoming the next big organization; we’re merely a group of good people who want to keep the Star Citizen community a good place to be, to the best of our ability. We aren’t professionals by any means, but we are dedicated gamers who have seen communities become horribly toxic thanks to a bad few making it terrible for the rest, and we certainly aren’t going to lie down and take it.

We don’t have a set-in-stone mission statement, if you wish to be a trader, to hunt bounties, or even be a pirate, then we wont attempt to control you or get in your way. It’s the toxic element we have a problem with, players that skip around in expensive ships geared with the latest meta load-outs taking out new and less fortunate players for sport, the kind of people who talk crap in chat and make everyone in their vicinity just want to leave.

When it comes down to it, we’re just a group of people who want to fly together in this amazing game, and maybe kick some ass in the process.

We don’t mind affiliates at all, and are more than happy to accept people who believe in a good game and a maintaining a good community, even if they don’t have the time to fly with us.

As of current, our group is resting easy until the inclusion of more in-depth organization and grouping mechanics in the game, as well as waiting for the universe to grow larger! We play a lot of games, and we’re eagerly waiting for this one to become the game we know it can be!

Art © Atlus – Persona 5
Art © Adrian Nitisor – Hunter
Thanks to @Ntzu2 for the great branding work!