We are also accepting applications for management at this time!
Paradox Commercial Enterprises is one of the most profitable corporations in the manufacturing and marketing industry. We have contracted out with companies like ArCorp, Behring, Willsop Systems, and Gold Horizon. We have always had a firm grasp on the market and pulse of the economy. However, we have not always been the enterprise we are today. It all started many years ago before the quantum drive was even discovered. The original corporation was only a small fraction of the enterprise that you see today. It all started with a genius of his time Machesky Paradox. He came up with a great idea, salvage all of the satellites orbiting earth. A group of wealthy individuals decided to invest in his crazy idea after he invented a spacecraft to bring them back to earth mostly unscathed. After seeing an extreme profit in the rare and valuable parts that these satellites had, the organization Paradox Salvage was formed. From this point on Paradox was called on by many companies to decommission most spacecraft and parts, resulting in governmental sponsorship and contracts with many companies you now know today as the largest in the universe. A few years after quantum drive discovery, and a few generations later, Alistar Paradox saw the largest opportunity since the creation of the first rocket. He realized that the patented smelters they used to melt all of the old ships could be used to not only smelt ore but also to refine fuel. Immediately seizing this opportunity, he invested in a mining fleet and fuel collection ships. This is when the organization was renamed to, Paradox Energy and Refining. The organization profited so much that the government demanded they change their designation. This Paradox Energy Enterprise was born. Another major success was a contract with the Banu, as they happened to use the same fuel that Humans did for their jump drives. This provided the profits to develop the manufacturing and research sectors of the enterprise. Upon which final name was born. Paradox Commercial Enterprises.
Today, Paradox Commercial Enterprises is one of the most profitable commercial industries in existence. We have our hands in nearly every sector of the economy. We provide the whole package. From mining to fuel collection. From industry to exploration and charting. From scientific research and discovery to organizational trade and marketing. We have it all.
PDXE welcomes the newly listed, praises the veteran, and rewards the committed! In PDXE, we believe the universe is your canvas: What picture will YOU paint?
*November 2015 Marks the galaxy-wide recognition of PDXE as a corporate beneficiary.
*December 2015 Several anonymous organizations join PDXE in an alliance. PDXE now has a Discord server!
*January 2016 50 Members strong. PDXE held our first official meeting.
*November 2016 Our first Anniversary. We have grown to over 100 members strong and have allied with over 20 organizations.
*October 2020 Organization Reactivation 1 month before our 5-year Anniversary. Active recruitment and diplomacy engaged again.
PDXE – Paradox Commercial Enterprises, is a corporation that is built on the idea of PROFIT!
The profit that comes from good investments and a strong industry sector. All members down to the newest pilot will be paid dividends from the org’s successes. So unlike many other large organizations, you will PROFIT for your time spent having fun in a great community.
We welcome players from all walks of life. Newbies and Veterans, Lawless and Lawful, Human and Wookie, are all welcome here at Paradox as long as they follow the Charter.
Now you might have asked yourself why should I join? It’s simple. We have the most fabulous and vibrant community, this side of the ‘Verse.” By signing on with PDXE, you sign on with the most committed and friendly band of associates that you’ll ever find. That and PROFIT.
Sign on today with PDXE and let your creativity flow.
We’re a rich and knowledgeable organization. Looking to grow to be the wealthiest Corporation in the Verse and we are seeking the right members to take with us to the top. We here at PDXE reward new and creative ideas, concepts, and careers.
Welcome to where you belong.
Welcome, to PDXE.
If you are not interested in joining as a main member, we GLADLY accept affiliates for those that wish to trade or contract with us in the future.
Feel free to join our discord server if you have any questions or reservations.
Click Here to connect to our Discord!
The universe is your canvas: What will you do with it?
We here are Paradox Commercial Enterprises take our rules very seriously and violations will not be tolerated.
All members and allies are subject to this Charter
Click the link above to review the Structure of PDXE to better understand the ranking structure listed below.
RANK DETAILS:Current Allies of Paradox Commercial Enterprises:
Enemy Contact
Bad Medical
American Gamers Association
Alpha Team Space Command
Arc Security
Drake Interplanetary Team of Hired Soldiers
Loading Gears Bulk Trading
Task Force Ripper
Colonial Defense Grid
Quantum Private Investigator
Armata Strigoi
United Space Naval Command
Interstellar Consortium
The Exchange
Aries 7 Corp
Taboo Black Trade Network
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