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League of Pathfinders / PATHFINDER

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

We are the League of Pathfinders, united in our quest for adventure, freedom, and the endless possibilities the universe holds. Join us, and together, we will carve our path among the stars.


In the vast expanse of the Stanton system, where the boundaries between law and lawlessness blur, the “League of Pathfinders” emerged as a beacon of unity and resilience. Founded by a tight-knit group of family members, our organization traces its roots back to a shared dream of exploration and adventure.

Originally, we were a modest group of intrepid explorers, charting the uncharted, mapping the unmapped, and seeking out the secrets hidden in the furthest reaches of space. Over time, as we discovered the limitless possibilities the universe had to offer, our ranks swelled, welcoming new members who shared our passion for the unknown.

While our origins lie in exploration, the evolving nature of the cosmos demanded versatility. The League adapted, embracing a broader range of activities, from freelancing missions to mercenary contracts. This adaptability has allowed us to thrive in a universe teeming with opportunities and threats alike.


The “League of Pathfinders” stands as a testament to the spirit of discovery and the pursuit of freedom. Our core beliefs are simple yet profound:

Exploration: We are driven by an insatiable curiosity. The unknown is not a barrier but an invitation. We seek out new frontiers, charting them for the benefit of all humankind.

Unity: Our strength lies in our bonds. As family, we support one another, facing the challenges of the universe together. Our unity is our shield and our greatest asset.

Versatility: The universe is ever-changing, and so are we. We engage in a variety of activities, from trading and mining to mercenary work and combat missions, ensuring that we are always prepared for whatever comes our way.

Honor: While we may operate in the grey areas of the law, we do so with a code of honor. We respect our allies, keep our promises, and protect the innocent.

Freedom: Above all, we cherish freedom. We reject tyranny in all its forms, striving to carve out a space where we can live and thrive on our own terms.


Article I: Name and Purpose
The organization shall be known as the “League of Pathfinders.” Our primary purpose is to explore uncharted territories, undertake diverse missions, and support the freedom and prosperity of our members.

Article II: Membership
Membership is open to all who share our values and aspirations. All members, regardless of rank or role, are expected to contribute to the welfare and success of the League.

Article III: Leadership
Leadership within the League shall be based on merit and consensus. Decisions affecting the entire organization will be made democratically, ensuring that every voice is heard.

Article IV: Activities
The League shall engage in a wide range of activities, including but not limited to:

Exploration and charting of new territories Freelance missions, including transport, trade, and resource acquisition Mercenary contracts and combat missions Humanitarian efforts and aid to those in need

Article V: Code of Conduct
All members shall adhere to the following code of conduct:

Respect fellow members and allies Act with honor and integrity Support and defend the League and its members Strive for excellence in all endeavors

Article VI: Amendments
This Charter may be amended as necessary to adapt to the changing needs of the organization and its members. Amendments shall be proposed and voted upon by the membership.