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The Galactic Fleet of the Spaghetti Supreme / PASTAFLEET

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United in devotion to the Celestial Spaghetti, our Galactic Fleet threads the cosmos in pursuit of enlightenment, weaving through stars to savor the supreme pasta perfection. All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster, may you be touched by His Noodly Appendage.


In the expanse of the universe, where countless stars are born and die, a unique congregation emerged, united not by kinship of blood but by a shared belief in the divine providence of the Celestial Spaghetti. This is the history of The Galactic Fleet of the Spaghetti Supreme.

It began as a whisper in the dark void of space, a murmur among starfarers who spoke of a deity as ancient as the cosmos itself. The Flying Spaghetti Monster, they said, was a benevolent force, weaving the fabric of space with His noodly appendages. From this belief, a coalition was born, dedicated to exploring the mysteries of the universe, under the guidance of His Carbohydrate Benevolence.

As the fleet grew, so did the legends. They became known across systems as the keepers of pasta wisdom, the defenders of the faith, and the seekers of the saucy truth. Their ships were sanctuaries, cathedrals of worship that glided through space, their hulls emblazoned with the sacred symbols of the Monster they adored.

The fleet was not just a nomadic church but a haven for those seeking more from the universe. They gathered scientists, philosophers, chefs, and warriors, all under the banner of the Spaghetti Supreme. Their missions were not conquests but pilgrimages across the stars, each discovery a verse in their ever-growing gospel.

Yet, the journey was not without its trials. The Galactic Fleet faced skepticism and scorn, labeled heretics by some and fools by others. But in the face of doubt, their faith was unshakable, their resolve steeled by the comforting embrace of His Noodly Appendage.

With time, they found others who shared their reverence for the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and the fleet expanded into a symphony of species and cultures, all dining at the same cosmic table. They uncovered relics of pasta significance, forged alliances with like-minded beings, and penned the holy book of the Pastafarian people: The Galactic Gospel.

Today, The Galactic Fleet of the Spaghetti Supreme continues its voyage through the stars, a beacon of belief in a universe of uncertainty. They stand as a testament to the power of faith and the unifying love for the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Their history is a tapestry, rich and vibrant, woven from the strands of countless adventures, a living narrative that will continue as long as the stars keep shining.

For in the heart of every crew member beats the certainty that they are part of something greater, a cosmic congregation joined by His Noodly Appendage, sailing into infinity with the blessing of the Celestial Spaghetti.

All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster! May you be touched by His Noodly Appendage.


To the stars we look and to the stars we reach, with the Flying Spaghetti Monster guiding our path. As the faithful of the Galactic Fleet of the Spaghetti Supreme, we stand united in our journey across the cosmos, forging a community bound by more than mere gravity – bound by the sacred tendrils of the Celestial Spaghetti.

Our Tenets:

  • Universal Acceptance: We welcome all species, all beings, and all minds eager to embrace the teachings of the FSM and to contribute to our interstellar odyssey.
  • Discovery and Enlightenment: Our mission is to explore the unknown, to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, and to enlighten ourselves through the wisdom imparted by His Noodly Appendage.
  • Peace and Diplomacy: We seek harmonious relations with all inhabitants of the universe, offering an olive branch or a forkful of spaghetti as symbols of our peaceful intentions.
  • Culinary Exploration: In our quest for the perfect space pasta, we dedicate ourselves to the culinary arts, understanding that food is the universal language of unity and joy.
  • Scientific Advancement: We advocate for the pursuit of knowledge, understanding that science and faith need not be at odds but can coexist in the search for truth.
  • Cultural Exchange: We celebrate the diversity within our ranks and encourage the sharing of cultural practices, believing that such exchange strengthens the fabric of our fellowship.
  • Aid and Charity: It is our duty to extend a helping hand to those in need, to share our resources, and to provide sanctuary within our vessels to the less fortunate.
  • Preservation of the Cosmos: We recognize our responsibility to protect the integrity of the universe, committing ourselves to environmental stewardship of the planets and stars we visit.
  • Pasta Perfection: Above all, we strive for perfection in our craft, our faith, and our lives, following the example of the perfect complexity and simplicity embodied by pasta.

We call upon the members of our esteemed community to uphold these principles as we chart our course through the stars, embodying the spirit and teachings of the FSM with every light-year traversed.

Our manifesto is a living document, much like the universe itself – ever-expanding, dynamic, and inclusive. As we grow and learn, so too will the pages of our collective journey be written.

Bear this manifesto not just in your ships and quarters, but in your hearts, for it is the essence of the Galactic Fleet of the Spaghetti Supreme. With the Flying Spaghetti Monster as our witness, we sail forth into the cosmos, our sails full of cosmic wind, our bowls full of celestial pasta.

All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster! May you be touched by His Noodly Appendage.


In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, guided by the stars and the benevolent tendrils of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the Galactic Fleet of the Spaghetti Supreme convenes to inscribe our foundational charter. This document shall serve as the bedrock of our beliefs, the map of our collective journey, and the covenant among our members.

Article I: The Purpose
The Galactic Fleet of the Spaghetti Supreme exists to:

  • Uphold the principles of the FSM.
  • Explore the universe in pursuit of knowledge and pasta perfection.
  • Promote unity and understanding amongst all beings.
  • Serve as ambassadors of peace, diplomacy, and culinary delight.

Article II: Membership
Membership is granted to those who:

  • Share in the reverence for the FSM and the objectives of the Fleet.
  • Commit to the betterment of the Fleet and the wider universe.
  • Respect the diversity and sanctity of all life forms.

Article III: Governance
The Fleet shall be governed by a Council of Noodles, elected from among our members, who will:

  • Ensure the Fleet adheres to its purpose.
  • Facilitate decisions with wisdom and fairness.
  • Represent the best interests of the Fleet in all diplomatic matters.

Article IV: Conduct
Members of the Fleet shall:

  • Conduct themselves with honor and integrity.
  • Foster goodwill in every corner of the galaxy.
  • Respect the tenets of Pastafarianism and the customs of all encountered cultures.

Article V: Conflict Resolution
Conflicts within the Fleet shall be resolved by:

  • Peaceful deliberation and arbitration.
  • Adherence to the principles of fairness and respect.
  • Final decisions made by the Council of Noodles, if necessary.

Article VI: Amendments
This charter remains open to amendments to reflect:

  • The evolving nature of the Fleet.
  • The collective will of its members.
  • The ever-changing tapestry of the cosmos.

In the light of the stars and the shadow of the planets, we hereby establish this Charter as the guiding framework of The Galactic Fleet of the Spaghetti Supreme. May our sails always catch the cosmic winds, and our paths be alight with the glow of the FSM.

Together, we affirm this charter, an enduring testament to our shared journey and the sacred mission that propels us forward. In the name of the FSM, we commit to these articles, promising to carry them out with the same fervor with which we seek the golden strands of pasta in the great beyond.

All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster! May His Noodly Appendage ever guide us.