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Parity / PARITY

  • Organization
  • Casual
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  • Social

Parity is a collective effort created with the singular goal of helping to make all controller types equally viable in the Persistent Universe.

The initial focus of this group is addressing the unsustainable imbalance caused by ‘Interactive Mode’.


Q: Why do you want to get rid of mouse controlled flight? You’re just joystick elitists!

A: We are not interested in getting rid of mouse flight at all. The issue isn’t between mouse and stick, it is between one specific mouse mode, called Interactive Mode (IM) and EVERYTHING else – mouse relative mode, joystick, and gamepad.

Q: So what’s wrong with IM? I like being able to adjust the power and shield settings while I’m flying, don’t you?

A: IM has nothing to do with being able to interact with your HUD elements. IM is a hybrid mouse flight mode that allows for two separate axis pairs, one for flight and one for aim, to be controlled by a single physical axis pair.

This is something that no other controller is allowed to do.

Other unique benefits of using IM include direct 1 to 1 gimbal aiming, a large centre-screen dead zone, dampening, and a wider gimbal range to provide a superior aiming platform.

Q: But the mouse isn’t as good as the joystick at controlling flight. Removing IM makes the mouse inferior.

A: That’s a common misconception. The mouse can be just as good as (if not better) than the joystick at controlling flight. This is shown in racing (pure flight) where currently many top pilots use Mouse Relative Mode, and also average VS completion times between joystick and Mouse Relative Mode are similar.

add link to leaderboard screenshot with controller info if possible

Click here to view detailed statistics

Q: Life without Interactive Mode. How would we control gimballed weapons?

A: IM would be replaced with a proper virtual joystick with equal precision to a joystick and no return to center. Most games that have achieved controller equality use this method.

With regards to gimbals, there are many options available and IM pilots will be in the exact same situation as gamepad, joystick, and relative mode pilots – your primary device controls flight, and you may choose to use a secondary device to directly control gimbals or use Look-ahead Mode (LAM).

Once all control schemes have equal access to game mechanics, then CIG will be able to create and refine gimbal aim mechanics that function equally across all controllers. This is the essence of controller parity – equal access to ship flight and aim mechanics for all controllers.

Community proposals for managing gimbals:

- Goloith’s look ahead suggestion()
- Jarus’ locking gimbal suggestion()
- Lex-Talionis’ aim-assist suggestion()
- Restricting gimbal control to a dedicated gunner seat/ships with more than one seat, i.e. the Super Hornet, Cutlass, etc.
- Goloith’s last-inch aim assist, i.e. larger pips w/ slight aim assist

Q: I would like to discuss this a bit more, where can I do so?

A: We have requested that CIG create a Controller Issues subforum, but for now your best bet is the Controller vs Controller Katamari which is unfortunately misnamed; the concensus reached through months of debate between users of mouse, gamepad, and joystick is that IM is the standout problem, NOT all mouse control. Additionally, you can add your name to the Petition. Finally, you can direct questions and comments to wcloaf and CIGCalixReneau – Calix is the developer directly responsible for flight controls and is open to the possibility of removing IM.

And of course you can join us, discuss, participate in creating a fair Star Citizen, and spread the word.


