Pandora Directive / PANDIR

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Transport


Latest: We currently host our own communication platform and are looking for a new member to fill our dedicated pilot role.


User: texjuan
Date: 04/2944

So I’ve been hearing about this “Pandora Directive” group, anyone know anything about these guys? Who are they, what’s their deal?
For all the information on Spectrum, I can’t seem to find much, but from I do see, these guys don’t really draw a line do they? Obviously nothing is black and white, but their job history sees them waving everyone’s flags, to the point they seem to have none of their own.

>_REPLYTO: texjuan
>_USER: Litsgram
>_DATE: 04/2944

The origins of the Pandora Directive aren’t exactly known.
From what ‘s been pieced together, it’s suggested it was a spur-of-the-moment coming-together when multiple individuals, unknowingly, took the exact same job from the same source – The surprising detail? They didn’t try go at each other’s throats, instead they split the reward. Unbelievable right? How desperate were they.. Either way, this job apparently resulted in a clusterfuck of a situation forcing each member to pull from their diverse backgrounds (hence the “Pandora”), and when all was said and done, and they were out alive, they decided to put together a jack of all trades service of sorts.
I still have a few remaining questions, which to an extent may even reduce what was said above to false:
  • - What was this situation? If it was such a clusterfuck wouldn’t we hear about it and wouldn’t it be investigated?
    - Someone else on another forum suggested the source of the job willingly sent multiple people for the same job at the same time. May have been a setup, or not?
    - From the info gathered honestly, the background proposed either looks very real, or very fictional. I can’t decide. Truth is, though, they’re out there, I’ve seen some old-job-remnants floating around Spectrum with their name on it and as you’ve found, very recent movement too.
    - What side they’re on is anyone’s guess. Initially I thought they’d just go where the money is, but some job logs suggest otherwise, like they have their own agenda? Obviously these job logs were leaked, so could be manipulated.

>_REPLYTO: Litsgram
>_DATE: 04/2944

If you


and notice they all have


I’d wager they all


>_REPLYTO: Litsgram
>_USER: texjuan
>_DATE: 04/2944

Did you catch what was said?

>_REPLYTO: texjuan
>_USER: Litsgram
>_DATE: 04/2944

Unfortunately not, but maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

User: Villar
Date: 02/2951

Apologies for Necro-Posting.
Anyone notice how their presence has become more outspoken in recent years?



What’s the drive?

Need a job done?
Don’t want to attract public perception to yourself, or prefer to keep this one in the dark?
Or perhaps can’t rely on other perceived authorities?

When everyone has sides picked, and when the main drive is profit, integrity cannot be guaranteed.
We’re not afraid to take the smaller jobs, nor the big jobs on the fringes of the law system when discretion is necessary.

Pandora Directive

A mercenary crew with a specialised arsenal for dealing with any matter.

Below you can find a list of some of the quick-services we offer.
  • Transport
  • Asset recovery
  • Search & Rescue
  • Tier 1 Medical Evac

If what you’re looking for is not in the list above, we encourage you reach out to us.


Currently, this is set on a per-job basis.

DISCLAIMER: While we keep our sources confidential, we cannot guarantee a certain degree of noise will not be made regarding an Op.
DISCLAIMER#2: If the job is over 2 systems-distance from our current position, terms will need to be discussed. Such examples would be for Scouting and Expeditioning (The latter will require heavier planning)


The Pandora Directive operates based on Anarchic-Principles.
That is, situational leadership is confined to the highest ranking member within a specific field of expertise.
Decisions are made by reaching objective consensus.
And all actions are performed with a volunteerism approach.

An a priori understanding of these concepts is necessary to successfully operate within our crew.

As such, there are no rules in the traditional sense, but rather a natural consensus-based order to followed and understood by those within.