Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Pagan - Zealots of technology / PAGAN

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Smuggling

We are a group of mature players who do not tolerate anti-social behaviour. We reserve the right to eject trouble makers without appeal.

Growing out of the OCUK community, anyone is welcome to join.


Largely born from the OCUK gaming and technology forums, we are predominately UK based although players from any country are welcome to join.

Our goal is to have a relaxing, enjoyable time in game with like minded mature adults. No drama, no nonsense. Let’s make the most of the resources we have, help each other and have fun doing so.

We welcome any individual who’s keen on gaming, hardware and technology in general.


Please note roleplay is entirely optional within our organisation

We are an in-game religious organisation devoted to the development, increased reliance and optimisation of technology to enhance life and safeguard our own and friendly assets. Founded in the late twenty first century PAGAN has evolved over the centuries from an ambitious and naive environmental movement, into a fully developed and recognised religious organisation within the UEE.

The chronology of the organisation can be found on the history section.

PAGAN will not ally itself with any other organisation although we are open to negotiation with regards to non-aggression pacts or trade agreements. Please contact an Emissary to discuss.


Please note that we have a hard cap on the membership limit which can only be raised by a vote from existing members- it’s set at 150, it may rise but it’s unlikely. We try to maintain a ration of 10:1 for members to officers (Conclave members).

The congregation is encouraged to undertake any such activity which may in it’s course, encourage the use of, or reliance on technology. As the history of many species has proven, only technology can free us from constraints placed upon us by our bodies and allow us to pursue our dreams.

We expect that all members will be respectful of fellow members roleplay even if they themselves are not actively participating, this applies to all communications networks, both internal and external.

PAGAN considers itself neutral to all factions, with the exception of those who seek to undermine it’s fundamental goal by disrupting the distribution and development of technology, the sale of advanced goods and the murder of it’s congregation.

The Inner Circle prefers legal activity to be undertaken by the congregation, however, it will not condemn illegal actions as immoral if those actions further the advancement of the organisations goals or help to safe guard the organisations assets.

The congregation are asked to aid one another whenever possible. The following behavior will not be tolerated between PAGAN members unless approved in advance by the Conclave.

  • Treacherous behaviour
  • Pilfering
  • Blood feuds

Going AWOL or taking a prolonged break from the game

We’ll never kick someone from the organisation for going AWOL or taking a break even if they tell us it’ll be six months or more. However if someone is in a promoted post and we don’t know when they’ll be back we may have to demote them and fill their post. This applies to everyone, including founders. Ultimately the smooth operation of the organisation is more important than any single member.

For more information on our hierarchy and roles please CLICK HERE!