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  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Transport

Space is about merchants and explorers. And being a merchant or explorer is about freedom! be something you want to be to the end! Enlist with OUROCORP!


As long as there have been men walking The Earth deals and trades have been struck, and like many others we too find joy and excitement in honoring that tradition. Since the time of the patent in the year 2275, all those years ago, OUROCORP has sought to find new opportunities on the fringes of outer space.

With time comes experience, and being well over seven centuries old, we hold a lot of it. The history of our corporation spans both the darkest hours and the most hopeful moments of mankind. Though with it, some have sought to tarnish our credibilities, slandering us as nothing more than scavenging jackals, slavers, pirates, and as frauds and hacks. As unfortunate as this may be, the friends of OUROCORP know the fact that our members are composed by nothing more than opportunistic and idealistic capitalists, seeking to make trade wherever they be.


OUROCORP consists of hardliners and idealists. We seek to find opportunities wherever they might be, and we will continute to go great lengths to do so. Our ranks are composed of many who walk different paths of life, though we meet where all those roads intersect; Namely where a deal can be made.

We keep strict ledgers and mark our cargo and ships to insure a minimalization of losses. Some would call it a fool’s investment; We consider it to be an obvious security measure, being that our number one priority is to get the goods where they need to go.

We will not hesitate to act should anyone threaten any of our affiliates, and we will do what it takes to insure the safety of our employees. We will help fellow traders in their hour of need, though of course, like everything else, nothing is without its price.


Guidelines, rules and terms:

  • OUROCORP does not take responsibility for loss or damage of cargo and or ship.
  • Piracy will not be tolerated. The exception being that of during wartime; Even then only ships belonging to our enemies are to be allowed for piracy.*
  • Orders provided by an officer of “Vendor” or higher are to be preformed without question by those pertaining to a lower rank.
  • While you are expected to respect your fellow members, nobody will hound you should you crack a joke or two on somebody else’s expense.

*Note: Prior to any act of piracy a request must be made to a member of rank “Vendor” or higher. A message is also to be sent to the Human Resource Manager providing the model of the ship claimed as well as the name or handle of the Vendor who provided the confirmation.