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Obsidian Syndicate / OSYNDICATE

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Piracy
  • Infiltration

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Shrouded in secrecy and renowned for their audacious exploits, this clandestine organization operates at the edge of the known universe, where lawlessness and opportunity converge


The Dawn of Darkness

The origins of the Obsidian Syndicate are shrouded in shadow, lost to the mists of time. What is known is that they emerged from the underbelly of a galaxy plagued by corruption and tyranny. In the early days, a loose coalition of disillusioned pilots, renegade soldiers, and rogue scientists banded together, driven by a shared desire to overthrow the oppressive regimes that dominated the galaxy’s power structures.

The Formation

As the Syndicate’s founders carved out their niche, they quickly demonstrated an unparalleled ability to navigate the treacherous waters of galactic politics and warfare. By exploiting the instability of their enemies and leveraging their own expertise in stealth and subterfuge, they began to form a cohesive organization. The early successes of daring heists and disruptive sabotage solidified their reputation and expanded their influence.

Rise to Power

Over the decades, the Syndicate evolved from a group of renegades into a formidable shadow empire. They seized control of key resources, recruited skilled operatives, and established secretive bases across the galaxy. Their tactics became increasingly sophisticated, involving not just brute force, but a carefully orchestrated dance of deception and manipulation.

The Golden Age

The Syndicate’s golden age was marked by a series of high-profile operations that disrupted the galactic status quo. Their success in destabilizing rival factions and securing valuable assets allowed them to exert significant influence. During this period, the Syndicate refined its organizational structure, establishing the Shadow Council and formalizing its operations into a streamlined and efficient hierarchy.

Current Era

In the present day, the Obsidian Syndicate continues to operate with a blend of ruthless efficiency and enigmatic secrecy. They remain a constant threat to established powers, their influence felt across the galaxy. With ongoing operations aimed at securing new resources and destabilizing rival factions, the Syndicate’s presence is a persistent shadow over the galaxy’s power dynamics.


“In the Shadows, We Rise”

We, the Obsidian Syndicate, stand united by our unwavering commitment to the pursuit of freedom and power in a galaxy ruled by oppression and deceit. Our manifesto is a declaration of our principles, our aims, and our vision for the future:

Against Oppression: We reject the tyranny of the powerful and corrupt. Our mission is to dismantle the structures of oppression that stifle freedom and maintain the status quo. We operate in the shadows to challenge those who abuse their power and to bring about change from the dark.

Mastery of the Shadows: We believe in the power of secrecy and subterfuge. Our strength lies in our ability to remain unseen, to strike with precision, and to maneuver through the labyrinth of galactic politics with cunning and discretion.

Unity Through Secrecy: Trust and loyalty are our most valuable assets. Our members are bound by a code of secrecy and mutual support. We operate as a cohesive unit, each role critical to our success. Betrayal is not tolerated, for it is the breach of trust that weakens our collective strength.

Pursuit of Power: We are driven by the pursuit of power and influence. Whether through direct action or subtle manipulation, we seek to increase our reach and control. Our operations are designed to tip the balance in our favor and secure our dominance.

Innovation and Adaptability: We are not bound by tradition. Our methods and tactics are constantly evolving, reflecting our commitment to innovation and adaptability. We embrace new technologies and strategies that enhance our effectiveness and ensure our survival.

Protection of the Syndicate: Our organization is our greatest asset. We will safeguard our members, our resources, and our secrets with vigilance. Our survival depends on our ability to protect our own and to operate from the shadows with impunity.

Strategic Disruption: We aim to disrupt the established order, not merely for chaos’s sake, but to create opportunities for change. Our actions are strategic, designed to create openings and weaknesses in our enemies, allowing us to advance our goals.



We, the members of the Obsidian Syndicate, establish this charter to formalize the structure, principles, and responsibilities that govern our organization. This document serves as the foundation for our operations, ensuring clarity and cohesion in our pursuit of our goals.

Article I: Organizational Structure

Supreme Commander: The highest authority within the Syndicate, responsible for overarching strategy and decision-making. The Supreme Commander is elected by the Shadow Council.

Shadow Council: Comprising the Fleet Admiral, Warlords, and other high-ranking officials, the Shadow Council provides strategic direction and oversight.

Departments: The Syndicate is divided into specialized departments, each with its own focus and leadership:

Tactical Operations
Stealth Operations
Support and Logistics
Intelligence and Espionage
Operational Units: Each department is divided into operational units, led by officers responsible for specific functions and missions.

Article II: Membership and Conduct

Eligibility: Membership is open to individuals who demonstrate loyalty, skill, and a commitment to the Syndicate’s goals. New members are recruited based on recommendations and evaluations.

Code of Conduct: Members must adhere to the Syndicate’s code of secrecy and loyalty. Betrayal or failure to comply with the Syndicate’s principles will result in severe consequences.

Roles and Responsibilities: Members are assigned roles based on their skills and the Syndicate’s needs. Each role has specific responsibilities and expectations.

Article III: Operations and Strategy

Mission Planning: All missions are planned collaboratively, with input from relevant departments. The Supreme Commander and Shadow Council approve major operations.

Execution: Missions are executed with precision and secrecy. Members must follow directives and protocols to ensure mission success and operational security.

Reporting: Regular reports and debriefings are required to maintain situational awareness and evaluate mission outcomes.

Article IV: Governance and Amendments

Governance: The Shadow Council oversees the Syndicate’s operations and makes strategic decisions. The Supreme Commander represents the Syndicate in external matters.

Amendments: This charter may be amended by the Shadow Council to reflect changes in the Syndicate’s structure or objectives. Proposed amendments must be approved by a majority vote.

Article V: Dissolution

Dissolution: In the event of the Syndicate’s dissolution, its assets and resources will be allocated based on a decision of the Shadow Council. Any remaining assets will be distributed according to established protocols.