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Outer Rim Order / ORO28

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

We’re an adaptable clan united by choice, exploration, and a respect for the ever-shifting moral fabric of the cosmos. Join us as we carve our path through the shades of grey in the vast unknown.


In the early days, when the stars seemed distant and the universe vast and unforgiving, the Grand Duke rose from humble beginnings to lead a band of like-minded individuals. Each member of the Outer Rim Order was drawn together by a shared belief in loyalty above all else. No matter the situation, no matter the odds stacked against them, they stood united as a singular force.

Their ethos was simple yet profound: every action taken by a member of the Outer Rim Order was done with the betterment of the clan in mind. From the tiniest skirmish to the grandest battles against overwhelming odds, each member fought with a fierce determination fuelled by their loyalty to one another.

Through trials and triumphs, the Outer Rim Order remained steadfast in their commitment to each other and their leader. The Grand Duke and his Dukes, figures of respect and admiration among the clan, led with wisdom and a steady hand, guiding the Outer Rim Order through the ever-changing currents of the cosmos.

As the stars continued their eternal dance across the night sky, the Outer Rim Order stood as a shining example of unity and loyalty in a galaxy filled with uncertainty. Their legacy, woven into the fabric of the universe, served as a reminder to all that in unity there is strength, and in loyalty, there is honour.



Everything we do is for the clan. We live, fight, work and die together. We decide our own limitations. As long as you are part of this house, your brothers and sisters will come to your aid no matter the cost!


No picking on new players. Be respectful.