Orion Order / ORIONORDER

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Social

“The foundation of the mightiest tower starts with a single stone”


Founded by a small group of merchants and explorers from Armitage that survived the Vanduul onslaught against their settlement in the Orion system, the Order was formed to establish a network of trusted individuals to allow them to work together in their law abiding endeavours. Order members may call on their fellows at any time for assistance or favours in pursuit of their goals. The Order works for the good of all, but always looks first to its own.

The Orion Order continues to grow, rapidly leaving behind its tragic past and humble beginnings, spreading its network to all corners of the known worlds and beyond.


United we stand

The Orion Order was founded to create a network of trusted individuals, and to allow members to work together in any law abiding endeavours. Order members may call on their fellows at any time to participate in these ventures.

What the Order gives you

Order members receive the benefit of being part of a network of trusted individuals, assisting each other and working towards a common goal. Pooling our resources and abilities, we form an organisation that is greater than the mere sum of its parts. As the Orion Order grows we will endeavour to create and maintain exclusive member locations such as landing areas, social venues, businesses, etc.

What we ask of you

Look out for your fellow Order members. Offer them assistance when you can. Use your own network of contacts and the resources at your disposal to benefit Order members. Do all these things to the best of your ability and Order members will do the same for you in return.

No fees, no taxes

The Order does not require any share of profits from its members. You may enter into profit sharing arrangements or other forms of contract for your own benefit while offering your services as an Order member. The terms of profit sharing and other benefits arising from any Order activity are to be agreed on directly between all participants.

Do no evil

The Orion Order is committed to law abiding practices and does not tolerate members engaging in illegal activities or harassing citizens. Members who bring the Order in to disrepute may be expelled.

Belonging to multiple organisations

We allow members to belong to as many organisations as they like. In fact we encourage it. We hope that our members will leverage their connections with other organisations to benefit the Orion Order and its members.


The Orion Order is considered a casual roleplaying group, which means some members may act “in character” either in the game world or in forums and other social places. However as a member you are not required to do so. Order members must respect all Star Citizen players that choose to roleplay, by following the roleplaying and immersion rules of whatever space they are engaging in. Members dedicated to roleplay must not expect or force others to do so outside areas where roleplaying is expected.


An open organisation

While The Orion Order maintains strict rules governing its membership, we welcome all newcomers with open arms. The process to become a fully recognised Esteemed member is formal, yet no reasonable application by a citizen of good standing will be rejected. In only extreme circumstances would an application be rejected, such as the applicant being known to be associated with criminal activity or disruptive behaviour.


New members may be accepted only with the sponsorship of at least two existing members of Esteemed rank or higher. The Council will review all membership applications and reserves the right to accept or reject any application.


Ranks within the Orion Order convey no authority except in the case of Councillors, who retain control of all administrative processes.

Ranks such as Trusted Associate, Initiate, Esteemed and Highly Esteemed Member simply reflect the overall level of contribution each person has made to the Order.

Initiate rank and attaining Esteemed rank

New members will be granted the probationary rank of Initiate until such time as their ongoing contribution to the Order and its members are deemed by the Council to be sufficient to attain full Esteemed rank.

After conducting activities of benefit to the Order and its members, Initiate members may petition the Council to request that full Esteemed membership be conferred.

Members of Esteemed rank or higher may choose to petition the Council on behalf of an Initiate who has assisted them or the Order in some way which they believe deserves full membership be conferred.

Evidence of the Initiate’s activities and/or testimonies from members will be required for a successful petition.

Highly Esteemed rank

The rank of Highly Esteemed may be conferred to a member who has gone above and beyond the expectations of the Order. Members may petition the Council on behalf of themselves or any other member they think deserving of this acknowledgement.


Councillors form the central administration of the Orion Order, and are responsible for the major decision making within the organisation. Only Grand Councillors may elect new Councillors.

Grand Councillors

Grand Councillors are the founding members and owners of the Orion Order organisation.

Trusted Associates

The rank of Trusted Associate may be conferred to individuals who have in some way earned the respect of the Order but who do not qualify to be, or do not wish to be, full members. Any member of the Order may petition the Council to consider bestowing this rank to any non-member.

Belonging to multiple organisations

Members of the Order may belong to as many other organisations as they see fit.

Displaying your membership

Members are not required to display their membership publicly, nor do they have to set the Order as their main organisation. Setting your Orion Order membership as Affiliate, Redacted or Invisible on your account is permitted.


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