Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Orion Company / ORIONCOM

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

The Verse Whispers To Us All – Whatever She Asks Of You, We Have The Answer

In Orion Company we embrace all aspects of lawful gameplay with an emphasis on working together in a fun and friendly atmosphere.



Orion Company was founded in 2884 by the original outcast heroes of the Battle of the Guardians, and has retained the respect of the UEE citizenry ever since. Although officially denounced, there are whispers that their actions in 2883 are spoken of highly in military circles.

In modern times Orion Company is made up of mostly ex-military pilots looking for a way to put their training to use for a good cause – and make some creds in the process.

The pilots of Orion Company have a generally lawful outlook; though because of it’s origins they are also well aware of the faults and failings of the mainstream UEE, and tend not to feel beholden to the letter of the law.


2650 : Orion system is discovered and mapped by a long range UEE Destroyer Squadron.

2662 : Project Farstar names Orion III (Armitage) as one of the founding targets for settlement.

2663 : First colonists arrive, founding the settlements of New Terra, Petra and Haven.

2664 : Raina Lok, a colonist from the settlement of Haven, discovers large concentrations of gold and platinum in Orion’s asteroid belt on a routine survey mission.

2664 : Orion’s asteroid belt thoroughly surveyed, and significant quantities of precious metals are discovered throughout. Mining operations begin, and news of the discovery produces a sharp increase in the influx of colonists arriving each week.

2673 : Colonists of Armitage apply for UEE recognition, and are accepted.

2681 : Disaster. The ships of a Vanduul mothership darken the skies over Armitage. Several townships are destroyed in the first attack. In the capital, the governor tries to organise defences, but communications are abruptly cut off. Any resistance is met by orbital bombardment and heavy ground assault by Vanduul forces. Without warning, eight days later the Vanduul ships depart.

2681 : Survivors emerge from bunkers and mine complexes to find their world in smoke and ruin. They reform the shattered defence militias, scraping together a few fighter squadrons with ships ‘requisitioned’ from private collections, UEE surplus and museums. In a political gesture, the UEE donates an ageing but capable destroyer, the SS Bulwark, to the defence militia.

2881 : Repeated attacks by Vanduul forces. After the first attack the SS Bulwark is missing, and most of the organised defence is destroyed. After the second attack there are no longer any defences to speak of. Colonists abandon defence and instead rely entirely on remaining hidden, and a labyrinthine tunnel network begins to form.

2882 : Ferocious raids continue to strike Armitage, they are more frequent and vicious than have ever been documented before. UEE analysis indicates the Vanduul clans are acting on a combination of territorial retribution and feeding frenzy.

2882 : Continued attacks. Despite supportive rhetoric and massive public outrage, UEE politicians take no real steps to ensure the security of the Orion system.

2883 : Official evacuation of the Orion system is ordered, and a UEE Navy detachment supervise a mass withdrawal. Emergency jump orders are given as a new Clanship is detected arriving in system, but two UEE squadrons ignore recall protocols and engage the raiders, buying time for the final evacuees to escape. Although against superior numbers and taking significant casualties, the UEE pilots win what later became known as ‘The Battle of the Guardians’. On returning home, the surviving pilots are discharged for gross insubordination by the Navy, but are widely regarded as heroes by the citizens.

2884 : Orion Company founded by the pilots of the Battle of the Guardians as a freelance PMC.


Who are we as a Guild?

Greetings citizen!

Orion Company is the Star Citizen division of the Dawn gaming community. We are made up of a multinational group of gamers who are passionate about our games and the people we play them with. We place a high value on enjoying them together in a fun and friendly atmosphere, and have successfully run many MMO guilds since we were founded over six years ago.

We are based in Europe and usually arrange guild events around European primetimes. Membership is open to anyone above the age of 21 who submits an application on our site (occasionally exceptions are made for younger players above 18, but they are usually friends or family of existing members).

We emphasise voice comms with our TS3 server, and on operations we ask for all participating members to be on TS – it’s ok if you don’t have a mic but we do need you to be able to listen.

We know it matters to you to find a good home for star citizen – it matters to us too, that’s why we are working to build something that will last for the long term.

Who will Orion Company be in Star Citizen?

We are aiming to be a medium sized Org of about fifty to one hundred pilots, and we will be working hard to maintain that active player base past launch for the long term. We know there are bigger Orgs out there, but we like to know who our guys are and not have members feel like they are lost in a sea of people. Each of our pilots is a friend, and each one matters.

We are setting ourselves up as a Private Military Company engaged in all lawful activities (and perhaps a few outside the law too). As an Org we do not endorse the griefing of other players under any circumstances and are opposed to the slave trade and piracy – however we understand that when you’re getting your hands dirty with S&R in lawless space it can be difficult to tell where the line is.

We plan to build a tight knit squadron of pilots. We will work together towards common goals and watch each others backs out in the ‘verse. Whether you want to run freight or hunt bounties, we will support your in-game goals and be on your wing when you need us.

What are we looking for in a pilot?

We are looking for people like you. People that love Star Citizen and want to see it become a success. People that still believe MMO’s can be rich and rewarding long term games. We don’t care how many ships you have in your hanger, or frankly what your K/D ratio is. If you are honest and mature, looking for a fun group of people to experience Star Citizen with, we would like to hear from you. Our only restriction is that you must be 21 years old or older.

What game aspects do we support?

Everything on the list below and more. All legitimate ways of making your way in the ‘verse, and a few that are off the UEE books (but no piracy).

Bounty Hunting
Resource gathering
Trading & Industry

How committed do I need to be?

We take a relaxed approach to gaming, organised but relaxed. There are no mandatory meetings to attend, you don’t need to log X hours a day or be present at every guild event to be a member. We know you have a life outside gaming and we will never ask more of you than you are willing to give. That being said, we love Star Citizen. We are passionate about it and the possible future it offers to us. We hope you share our passion and will join us to make an outstanding Org that will stand the test of time… because we are here to stay.


All applicants are expected to read, agree to and abide by the following:

## I am over 21 years of age (some over 18 exceptions have been made).
## I understand that forum participation is expected of me.
## I am able to use voice comms and agree to moderate the use of bad language if requested (you don’t have to talk, but you do need to be able to listen).
## I will be respectful of other members and appreciate that the main aim of our community is to have fun with friends.
## I understand that my organizational mates may call on me for help, if I can reasonably do so I will try my best to assist.
## I am willing to actively pursue organizational goals and objectives.
## I will direct any issues that I encounter with other people and cannot reasonably resolve myself to an Organizational Officer to deal with accordingly. Most drama is avoidable.
## Above all else, I understand that real life comes first and gaming second.

Organizational leadership’s promise to our members:

## We will always try our best to listen to your feedback and issues.
## We will treat you with respect and honesty.
## We will be as fair as possible in dealing with grievances and always listen to all parties involved.
## We will not take any action towards a member without discussing matters with them first and giving them a chance to explain their actions.

(Orion Company is the Star Citizen division of the Dawn gaming community)