Astrum Optimus, the Star Elite. We are the owners of the Million Mile High Clubs that populate the ‘verse. This is the umbrella corp that handles public faced marketing for the benefit of all owners, as well as a place to network and compare notes with like minds. Owners and staff welcome.
Assigned as Operam Designate, I have been charged with care-taking this corporation for the purposes of marketing, event planning, collaboration and networking of the star’s most elite business owners. Welcome to Astrum Optimus, umbrella corp serving the business needs of the Million Mile High Club owners of the ‘verse. Astrum Optimus functions both as a relaxing private club, where owners can retain a hidden or redacted status for their front facing profile, privacy being implicitly sacred here, while also being a home for peer networking, business planning, and general socializing.
Astrum Optimus will serve in the capacity of general marketing firm, assisting all owners in properly projecting their clubs individual identities out in to the spectrum to draw the type of crowds those owners may wish, as well as a place to share best business practices, and hiring solutions. All owners will be a part of a board of directors, holding equal share in decisions and direction to the purpose of advancing all owners success.
Staff may also be inducted, per owner request.
Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.
Teamspeak & Forums Tools in place.
Expert digital artist on retainer for individual club commission, and handling general media.
Advanced pre-release marketing plan, focusing only on what we know and without defining for the owners how they will use their clubs.
A place to network with your fellow owners.
A home for your senior MMHC staff to better allow them to handle operations and share good practices.
Business, social and networking architecture, presented via mind map visualization.
Astrum Optimus Mind Map
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