Supply or Die

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Outer Planets Alliance Navy / OPAS

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Social

The fall of the Transport Union, Laconia and the Ring Gates, Quantum drives and artificial gravity replacing Epstein drives may have hardened our bones, and changed our bodies to look like inners again,

but the True Belter spirit lives on, and we won’t rest until all oppressors taste the vacuum


The Outer Planets Alliance was a loosely affiliated network borrowing or associating under a core common ideology.

It started its life as a labor union or advocacy group, fighting for the interests of inhabitants of the Belt and was often in direct conflict with the inner planets’ Earth-Mars Coalition Navy. Its logo is a split circle and original factions had cells based at every station in the Belt including major sites like Tycho, Ceres and Pallas Stations.

Today, the discovery of the Quantum Drive and Jump Points has vastly reshaped the astro-political landscape, and the Belt’s history has been forgotten by most, but some of us will never forget, and keep alive the spirit of the pionneers that lead us to freedom and independance. As long as that spirit is alive, the Belt will never die.

No matter how much the Expanse of our species reach grows, and how many new suns it extends to, there will only ever be One Belt.


Beltalowda bi kowlpelésh kowltim, ando vedi kowlting.

Where we go is where we belong

The Inners are Not Like Us.

Inyalowdas cannot look upon a thing but wonder who it belongs to.
To make it their possession.
“Possession is nine tenth of the law” they say.

But that is not the way of the Belt.

We say “the more you share, the more your bowl will be plentiful

and those that will not share bi welwalla!

and if we are all welwalla, Kowmang gonyadie!

Tenye Wa Chesh Gut, Beltalowda!


Oye Sésatas and Beratnas,

We are the true heirs of legendary OPA heroes like Camina Drummer, Michio Pa, Klaes Ashford, James Holden, Naomi Nagata, Roberta “Gunny” Draper, Anderson Dawes and Fred Johnson, who paved the way to our freedom, and will prove ourself worthy of their namesake by always striving to shut down any inyalowda trying to impose their rule outside their respective gravity wells.


We will always do our best to avoid involving ourselves into inyalowda matters, but our claim to the Vacuum remains firm and absolute, and the Big Empty will always be our ancestral home, unhindered by tyrannic inner hubris and corporate greed.

We will never stop fighting any inyalowda foolish and bold enough to try to impose their rule outside of their planet’s atmosphere.


Space is our home, and always will be.

Inyalowda are our guests the moment they exit their gravity wells, and would do well to behave accordingly if they hope to be treated as such.

All are welcome, but will receive the exact amount of respect they demonstrate. Wether this is an invitation or a threat is entirely up to them.


  • The OPA recognises the authority of the leading factions of any planet, and all members are required to abide by local law while within a planet’s atmosphere.
  • However, we don’t recognize the validity of alleged ‘crimes’ comited outside the planet’s gravity well and legitimate jurisdiction.


  • Any attempt to enforce punishment for acts of justified self defense portrayed as crimes by inner propaganda will immediately void this agreement, and be delt with swiftly and without mercy, regardless of location.
  • Any harm caused to OPA members under such conditions will be considered a major offense and require heavy tribute and proportional reparations to avoid further escalation.
  • Any violence leading to the death of OPA members while illegaly enforcing laws applied to alleged ‘crimes’ not comited within the planet’s legitimate and recognized jurisdiction will be considered an act of war.
  • The OPA doesn’t recognize any form of capital punishment unless specifically mandated by its leadership. In the case of an OPA member being proven guilty of a capital offense by any planet’s law enforcement, the suspect shall immediately be handed to OPA enforcersafter sentencing, who will assess the case and be the sole and final judges and executionners of the sentence. In the most egregious cases, the OPA might offer compensation for damage caused, but only if local law alligns with OPA directives.


  • Inner authority extends to their respective gravity wells or upper atmosphere, whichever is the largest.
  • h3. No further.
  • Any non-OPA self-proclaimed authority outside those bounds violates our ancestral rights, and any attempt to extort or exploit any ship civilian or military, OPA affiliated or not in outer-space will be considered an act of war.


  • Any military deployment larger than three combat and/or support ships or including more than one combat capital ship or large carrier must contact OPA leadership to arrange a flightpath agreement and obtain proper clearances.
  • Transport convoys up two three cargo ships (of any size except Hull-E series ships) can travel freely and are each allowed up to two combat ships as escort (of any size except Capital Ships).
  • Larger convoys or any convoys requiring additional security must contact OPA leadership to obtain proper clearances.
  • Any unannounced convoy will be given a single chance to negociate an agreement by the first OPA patrol encountered, but those failing to reply or comply will be considered hostile and delt with accordingly.






Embrace the Belt and it will welcome you.
Defy it, and it will end you.




Dozens of Empires, Hundreds of years of history, Thousands of conquered Suns, planets and asteroids, Tens of thousands of OPA factions, Hundreds of thousands of Space Stations and Outposts, Millions of OPA members, Billions of inners and countless Aliens, Trillions of galaxies. Infinite Opportunities.

One Belt.

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Once a thing is written.. im fo sémpere!


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