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Outlaw Star Mercenaries / OLSM

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Infiltration
  • Freelancing

Nature :Mercenaries for hire.
Purpose : To provide Silent,Efficient and brutal man power to any force.
Status: Active for money.
We do not share any info of Members or allegiances for Personal Protection.
There is no leader within this group just a code to uphold the star code.


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Creating a Community of players who want adventure money power and teamwork with out the hassle of being ordered around this is it, join fellow members on risky mission to gain profits or even do solo or accept request from the leaders for bigger missions on a larger scale.
You are not obligated to help any member you can deny request/missions, from fellow members but you are required to respect the Star code of Outlaw Star Mercenaries.
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The Star Code
1: All affiliates are not allowed to mention private mission details of the PMC.
2:Never mention any other member’s name outside of the PMC.
3: You must agree to Follow your supervisor orders when on a mission.
4: You will be paid based on role.
5:You will be allowed Into Higher Demanding Mission known as HDM when you are trusted in the ranks.
6: Taxes none..
7:Leaking Information of the PMC’s intell, will be seen as a crime against the PMC and will demand your Immediate DISCHARGE and BOUNTY placed on your head.
8:Disputes if you have any disputes with a fellow member fight to the death.
9: Professional Behavior is required during missions.
10: Leave no survivors.
11.You can haul anything or smuggle but never children or people.
12.You can decline any mission and accept any.
13.You are independent when not working with the PMC.
14.Your freedom is the unknown.