Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Orbital Defence Initiative / ODIT

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Resources

Orbital Defence Initiative are a “Persistent Universe PvP Oriented Corporation” representing the technological evolution of modern human Warfare technology’s.The ODIT now seek to unify the once great Empire that is now splintered. By any and all means necessary.

Coming Soon!


Once humanity began to expand into the stars, the governments of Earth slowly began to realize that, politically, the individual governments of the various Organizations wouldn’t be able to maintain themselves in the bright future ahead. It wasn’t until the year 2380 that most Organizations of Earth decided to put aside their social and political differences and unify as a single governing entity named the United Nations of Earth (UNE).

Over the next century, more and more people began to move off world and start over in freshly terraformed worlds. By the 26th century, almost 70% of the human population lived on other planets in other systems. Those living off world felt like they were not being equally represented in the government and began to petition the (UNE) for reform. Finally, in 2523, The (UNE) had to acknowledge the off world citizens petitions for reform and responded, They established a new off world Organization, which was christened Orbital Defence Initiative. (O.D.I.T)

But not all citizens were happy with the outcome. As a result new independent organizations are being Formed and alliances being made all with the same goal to create a thriving community. This could cause Problems for Orbital Defence Initiative in the long term. As organizations grow so does the demand for Resources which in time will cause conflicts. Obstacles in which Orbital Defence Initiative will have to overcome to achieve their goals.

Orbital Defence Initiative vowed to purge itself of all bureaucratic corruption and remain pure to a single task. To unite all its citizens and To unify the once great Empire that is now splintered. By any and all means necessary.

The average Orbital Defence Initiative citizen is not too different from a 21st century Earth citizen. They are Engineers, Traders, Builders, Miners, and Combat Pilots. They desire stability and order, but their ideas on how this should be achieved vary widely. Each has his own opinion on how the government should achieve its goals and whether or not Orbital Defence Initiative even has the right to try and restore something that failed so long ago. Ancient religions are as varied and diverse as they were in pre-war days and continue to be a motivating factor.

Even if individuals differ in their political or social perspectives, the single most common trait shared by every Orbital Defence Initiative citizen is their sense of brotherhood and community. Orbital Defence Initiative citizens really band together when times are tough. Positively contributing to society and personal improvement is a way of life for Orbital Defence Initiative citizens and would not want it any other way.

Orbital Defence Initiative rulers are expansive, aggressive, and authoritarian. They believe that this is necessary to ensure galactic order and the common good. They are attempting to rebuild the Empire that fell at the onset of the Vanduul Wars, and with memory of such dark times still present all around them, Orbital Defence Initiative leaders can be driven to justify extreme measures.


What are Orbital Defence Initiatives aims and goals?

Orbital Defence Initiative is primarily a Freelancing and Security Organization. But we also aim to specialise in Mining, Production and the trading of Trade Goods and Player Produced goods.
We want to be self-sufficient the state of not requiring any aid, support, or interaction,from around the verse.

We aim to have a controllable number of active members to start with (70-100) so we do not lose a sense of community that bigger corps can suffer from. Both new and experienced Star citizen players are welcome – we do not have any minimum requirements. New players will be given advice and assistance in the game.

We hope to have an employment structure in place as well as divisions each with their own Leadership

• Mining
• Production
• Trading
• Security
• Personnel
• Engineering
• Freelancing

We have vacancies for assistants for those interested in particular careers. Each level of membership within the corp i.e. Freelance, Divisional, Worker, Manager or Director attracts a percentage discount when purchasing from the corporation.

We hope to have a competent security division to cope with protection for low security/freelance operations and for small/medium war declarations this is another long term goal we are looking to strengthen.

What we hope to offer our members:

Opportunity to be part of an active group of adult gamers who share similar interests and goals
Access to pvp and the logistics/resources to support our members in Corp Operations
Regular scheduled group operations, Logistics.Practice,Training,Tournaments,Player vs Player
Great communications with a private Teamspeak 3 server active 24/7
Leadership opportunities: promotions are based on merit, and you can rise as far as your hard work and determination takes you.

What we expect our members to:

Have finished the basic game tutorials
Be part of the team, not a “lone wolf”. Our major strength as a Organization is our unity, cohesiveness and professionalism.We make goals and achieve them together
Have a mature attitude, respect for fellow organization members, and Friends
Be willing to participate in pvp and either be able to fly a Fighter competently or you are working toward that goal – Having a non pvp focus is fine, but we expect all of our members to be competent combat pilots in times of need
Use Teamspeak, have a working headset, and actively participate with members when ingame and online

Our corp atmosphere is very friendly and relaxed, and we impose no stipulations on your playing time whilst being a member. We do ask to attend as many ops as possible but we appreciate that real-life issues may sometimes interfere with your game time!

How can you join Orbital Defence Initiative?

We are currently not accepting applications from players in European time zones and we are very keen to expand our presence into the US time zones too

If you are interested in joining Orbital Defence Initiative, please visit the recruitment section of our site and read the Application post. After that simply post your interest in joining along with your in-game name.


All players shall play honorably:

Do not spoil the fun of the game for other players with any disruptive behavior. Respect all members online in our corporation and friends

Do not accuse others:

Even if you suspect them of playing unfairly. Use our forums to submit any relevant data to the corporation Directors and they will look into the situation. Accusing others only serves to ruin the game play and interrupt others who just want to have a good time.

No crude or vulgar language:

Will be tolerated in game. If you are caught being gratuitously offensive or abusive to other players,. People play the game for fun; players do not expect to receive abuse. We have a zero tolerance policy – if you act anti-socially then expect to be dealt with accordingly