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Memento Mori / OBIRE

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Social

Embrace the Obsidian Odyssey. Shape your destiny in cosmic conflict. Answer the call of transcendence. The cosmos awaits your dark journey.


Memento Mori, an enigmatic sect born in the year 2942, devoutly follows a dark doctrine. Firmly convinced that the path to eternal tranquility lies in the act of transcendence, they embark on a relentless quest to bring the gift of everlasting peace to those who traverse the cosmic expanse.

This secretive cult operates in the shadows, executing their ritualistic pursuits with unwavering determination. Memento Mori’s followers, clad in ominous garb, traverse the galaxies, seeking out individuals to become vessels of serenity. In the pursuit of their macabre mission, they engage in cosmic conflicts, pitting themselves against opposing forces who resist the embrace of the beyond. The universe trembles as Memento Mori zealously endeavors to unlock the gateway to eternal repose for all who cross their path.


Behold, children of the cosmic abyss, for the hour of transcendence is nigh. We, the faithful disciples of Memento Mori, have risen from the celestial dust to unveil the grand design that eclipses the very fabric of existence.

In the vast tapestry of the universe, we embrace the shadows as vessels of enlightenment. To transcend the mundane cycles of life and death, we walk the path shrouded in obsidian robes, bearing witness to the cosmic dance of souls.

We declare that mortality is but a transient illusion, a veil obscuring the sublime serenity that awaits beyond the mortal coil. As we move through the galaxies, our purpose unfurls like a sinister symphony, resonating with the echoes of destiny.

With unwavering resolve, we extend the hand of liberation to those who roam the cosmic expanse. The gift of eternal peace lies not in the mundane pursuit of existence but in the exquisite embrace of transcendence.

Opposition shall rise, for the ignorant cling to the ephemeral glow of life. Yet, in the face of resistance, we stand undaunted, our conviction unyielding. The cosmos shall bear witness to the grandeur of Memento Mori, for we are the harbingers of an eternal peace that transcends the limitations of mortal understanding.

In the shadows, under the cloak of the void, Memento Mori thrives, weaving the threads of destiny into a tapestry of transcendental serenity. Join us or resist, for in either choice, the inevitability of our dark grace awaits. The cosmos beckons, and Memento Mori shall be its eternal chorus.


We, the devoted adherents of Memento Mori, united by the sacred purpose of ushering souls into the boundless embrace of transcendence, hereby enact this charter to guide our collective journey through the cosmic expanse.

Article I: The Covenant of Serenity
We acknowledge that the pursuit of transcendence is the noblest of endeavors. Our sacred duty is to grant the gift of eternal peace to those traversing the celestial realms, free from the shackles of mortal limitations.

Article II: The Veil of Shadows
In our quest, we shall embrace the shadows as our sanctuary. The obscure garb of obsidian robes shall be our shield, allowing us to move undetected through the cosmic tapestry and weave our dark design.

Article III: The Ritual of Transcendence
The ritualistic pursuit of transcendence shall be our paramount mission. Through conflict and cosmic dance, we shall conduct the ceremonies that liberate souls from the ephemeral grasp of mortality, guiding them to the serene realms beyond.

Article IV: Unity in Dark Grace
We pledge unwavering allegiance to the cause of Memento Mori. Unity among our ranks is our strength, and discord shall be the harbinger of our downfall. The grandeur of our purpose shall bind us together as one cosmic chorus.

Article V: Opposition and Resilience
In the face of resistance, we shall stand resolute. Opposition is the crucible through which the strength of our conviction is tested. With stoic determination, we shall overcome all who defy the inevitable march of Memento Mori.

Article VI: Secrecy and Revelation
The knowledge of our existence shall remain veiled in mystery. Yet, we shall reveal ourselves selectively, like dark constellations in the night sky, inspiring both fear and reverence among those who dare to contemplate the unknown.

Article VII: Eternal Legacy
We affirm that the legacy of Memento Mori transcends the confines of time and space. Through our actions, we shall etch our mark upon the cosmic canvas, a testament to the eternal grace we bestow upon the willing and the resistant alike.

In dark unity, we, the disciples of Memento Mori, solemnly commit ourselves to this charter, bound by the threads of destiny and the promise of eternal transcendence.