Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Oberon Interstellar / OBERONITC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Resources

Oberon Interstellar is a trading and resource acquisition corporation, we intend to operate one of the largest unified trade fleets in the Verse. If you would like to take part, you can meet us at our discord channel. (Discord)


As a private corporate entity, our client history is confidential. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Our public Corporate Resource Links can be found below.

Discord Chat
(Discord Guest Invite)

Affiliate of “The Unified Armistice Association” (UNARAS)


  • The Oberon Interstellar Company is a non-piracy commercial entity, with ambitions to become one of the largest trading and resource management corporations.


  • If you need cargo shipped, or have goods for sale at a reasonable price, we will always be interested to hear from you. We also offer chances for freelancers to operate through us in an effort to ensure timely completion of client contracts.
  • If you think we are the right organization for you, feel free to apply through The Recruitment Center.


The Organizational Charter of Oberon Interstellar Company is as follows:

Oberon Interstellar consists of an executive board and 5 distinct divisions-

  • Private Military Division is tasked with protecting corporate assets and corporate interests.
  • Trade and Transport Division is tasked with operation of the trade fleet’s commercial vessels and the handling of associated goods and services entailed.
  • Industrial Division is tasked with the internal logistics and physical support of the entire trade fleet.
  • Research Division is tasked with the duty of collecting, cataloging, processing information to create a supporting structure.
  • Administrative Division is tasked with certifications, training, public relations, and diplomatic activities.

Division Composition:

  • One Division Director.
  • One or more Section Chiefs.
  • One or more Managers.
  • One or more Members/Affiliates.

The Private Military Division:

  • The private military division consists of any military non-commercial vessels as well as security personnel.
  • The private military division oversees the management of intelligence agents when available.
  • The private military division director is appointed by the Active CEO.

Trade and Transport Division:

  • The trade and transport division consists of any commercial vessel not delegated as transport for the diplomatic division.
  • The trade and transport division is responsible for the command of the “trade management vessels” during active trade fleet operations.
  • The trade and transport division is commanded by the Trade and Transport Division Director.

Industrial Division:

  • The industrial division consists of a plethora of specialized ships that directly support all divisions excluding freelance operations division.
  • The industrial division will maintain a select group of personnel that have been trained to a standard level in a broad spectrum of occupations within Oberon Interstellar. This will allow these personnel to be temporarily transferred to another division to keep the fleet operational.
  • The industrial Division is commanded by the Industrial Division Director

Research Division:

  • The research division consists of various vessels for varied tasks, and scientists.
  • The research division communicates with other divisions to effectively find answers and useful information for their different tasks.
  • Information Section’s purpose is to collect and catalog information on all important avenues, from market data, biology, geology, and stellar activity.
  • The research division is commanded by the Research Division Director.

Administrative Division:

  • The administrative division is responsible for issuing and completing freelance contracts.
  • The administrative division is responsible for overseeing test programs and issuing certifications for various qualification based jobs.
  • The administrative division is commanded by the Administrative Division Director.

Corporate Conduct:

  • No active member of Oberon Interstellar is endorsed for any act of piracy.
  • Interactions with other organizations shall be held to a high standard, and we shall avoid any confidentiality breaching actions.
  • Chain of Command is important for every division, however in the event of suspected wrong-doing you are permitted to approach the board with the complaint.



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