Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Nightmare Squadron / NTMR

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Freelancing

Honor in our Actions
Loyalty to our Fellows
Teamwork to get the job done
A NIGHTMARE to our Foes!


Nightmare squadron started as a group of like minded individuals wanting to make their mark on the ‘Verse.

Explorers, Fighter-jocks, Former Marines, Entrepreneurs… With the void spread before them, they saw all the opportunities and adventure waiting in the nothingness between worlds. Brought together by Teamwork, they know that a unit that gets highly trained together and knows how to work with one another is worth far more than numbers alone.

With a few ships to their name, they set off looking to make a name, wanting to be the thing that goes bump in the night for all of their foes.

Our remaining history is to be made by our members!


A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are built for.
- John A. Shedd

Nightmare Squadron will start out as a Private Military Company [PMC]. We know that Teamwork is the most important thing to have when it comes to survival in the ‘Verse.

We are going to be Explorers and Mercenaries first, with plans on branching out into other areas in the future. We are still hashing out a good portion of how things will be run once the game is up and running but it looks as though we have a while to plan all of this. We plan on moving into logistics in addition to our other operations as time goes on.

Our main goal is to be an Honorable Mercenary Organization, but the jobs will need to fit into our leadership’s moral compass. Piracy will not be tolerated in this organization, and we will help to hunt down those who are Pirates. Pirates are those who attack others more for the pleasure they get out of hurting them, with any loot they can take off your freeze dried corpse just being an added bonus in their eyes.

Being a Privateer might be allowed but we will need to review once game is released. Privateers are more about stealing your cargo and trying to leave the crews alive if possible. They know that if a mark feels that they will get out alive, then they are more likely to part with their cargo.

Our plan is to have several times during the week planned as an All Hands On Deck (AHOD) for large operations out of a predetermined FOB. These will be set for certain days and time spans that work for our community. We will work with our clients to best schedule times that we are available.

All times out side of the AHOD Ops times are the responsibility of the individual members. It will be mainly up to each member to schedule their own services out and coordinate with their clients. As long as the job doesn’t violate any of our principles consider it approved. If it gets close to a grey area, ask for a clarification call by a Leader rank or above.

ALSO- A Flight Plan will need to be logged with Logistics so that we have an idea of where our members are, in case of an emergency recall.

A good Rule of Business – ALWAYS get half down on the job. Special Orders are Payment in full up front. ( more definitions on this later when game is closer to release)

More will be added the closer to release we get.

Our Rank structure is as follows:

Rank 0 = Recruit – Have not registered to our website, just here to play this game with other like minded people.
Rank 1 = Member – Registered on our website, run with NTMR in other games, here to have fun running around.
Rank 2 = Leader – same as Member, but has shown an aptitude in leading other players to great times of fun. Has been proven capable.
Rank 3 = Trainer – same as Leader, and has also stepped up to share in game knowledge with newcomers so they can have more fun earlier.
Rank 4 = Senator – (all the above, plus->) Officer in NTMR Community, responsible for Administration and Public Relations / Internal Affairs
Rank 5 = Counselor (All the above) Counselors also have the responsibility of enforcing NTMR Community Principles and dealing with violators. They also handle complaints from any one outside our gaming community.


Nightmare Squadron Members will act with Honor as each member’s actions reflect on the whole.

We will be: Trustworthy to our employers,
Loyal to our Contracts and allies,
Brave in the face of danger,
And a NIGHTMARE to our foes!

We hold these Principles to be the Core of the NTMR Gaming Community:

We shall always understand that Real Life Comes First (RLCF). If there is something that is a more immediate concern to you, go get it taken care of! We will be here when you get back.

We are a casual gaming community. Your statistics in a game don’t matter. All that is important is you having fun with other members and helping to propagate that fun as well. There are no stupid questions and NTMR will not tolerate elitist behavior such as call others names based upon their experience (noob) or becoming hostile because someone lacks information. Step up and be a mentor instead.

We are here to escape from the real world and immerse ourselves in a world that is enjoyable. As such No talk of a Racist, Religious, Political, or Sexist nature is allowed. Members can and will be removed from the community if this becomes a repeated offense. This also includes jokes of that nature. We are more lenient on the jokes, but please be aware that they are inherently offensive and can cause your removal.

We do not Hack or Exploit the games we play, and will not tolerate those who do. If you are found to be Hacking, you will be reported and removed from our community. If you are found exploiting, you will be warned once. The next time you will be removed from our community.

Our actions define us in the eyes of others. Conduct yourselves in a respectful manner that will not bring shame upon our community.

All voices and opinions presented in a respectful manner are welcome. As we are a republic, do not hesitate to present or seek information and/or help from a Congress member via their posted email or on our website’s forums.