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Welcome to Terragroup – Join our discord at


In the 21st century, TerraGroup International emerged as a powerful multinational conglomerate, with its roots deeply embedded in various sectors including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and energy. However, its ambitions reached far beyond mere corporate domination. In the Norvinsk region of Earth, TerraGroup established itself as a clandestine entity with a covert agenda that would echo through the centuries.

As the 21st century gave way to the 22nd, TerraGroup’s influence expanded, both overtly and covertly. With advancements in technology, the corporation delved into secretive research projects, dabbling in genetics, cybernetics, and advanced weaponry. It became apparent that TerraGroup was no longer just a corporation; it had morphed into a shadowy organization with its own geopolitical aspirations.

In the year 2123, TerraGroup unveiled its most ambitious project yet: the creation of a private military force known as TerraForce. Utilizing cutting-edge technology and genetically enhanced soldiers, TerraForce quickly became a formidable presence, exerting influence in conflicts around the globe. However, behind the scenes, TerraGroup’s true motives remained shrouded in secrecy.

By the 25th century, TerraGroup had established a stranglehold over the Norvinsk region, exploiting its vast resources and strategic significance. It wielded its power ruthlessly, brokering deals with governments and manipulating events to further its own agenda. Yet, whispers of dissent began to stir as people questioned the true nature of TerraGroup’s intentions.

In the year 2922, the United Empire of Earth (UEE) Navy, a formidable force in the universe, made a startling discovery. Deep within the archives of TerraGroup’s clandestine operations, evidence emerged of a centuries-old conspiracy stretching back to the corporation’s inception. Recognizing the threat posed by TerraGroup’s insidious influence, the UEE Navy launched a series of covert operations to dismantle the organization once and for all.

However, as the UEE Navy delved deeper into TerraGroup’s dark past, they uncovered a surprising revelation. Despite its nefarious activities, TerraGroup had also been home to individuals of extraordinary talent and dedication. Among them were soldiers, scientists, and strategists whose skills transcended their allegiance to the corporation.

Over the centuries, these individuals had secretly harbored a desire for redemption, longing to atone for the sins of their past. With the UEE Navy’s offer of amnesty, they saw an opportunity to serve a greater cause and to reclaim their honor. Thus, in the year 2922, members of TerraGroup’s ranks pledged their allegiance to the UEE Navy, bringing with them a wealth of knowledge and expertise acquired over centuries of clandestine operations.

United under the banner of the UEE Navy, these former members of TerraGroup became instrumental in combating threats to humanity’s existence, their unique perspective and unconventional tactics proving invaluable in the ongoing struggle for survival amidst the vast expanse of space. And though the shadows of TerraGroup’s legacy lingered, its former members now stood as guardians of peace, determined to ensure that the mistakes of the past would never again be repeated.


Our Core Principles state that we are a “Casual-to-Hardcore” Organization. We believe that the universe of Star Citizen will be competitive, dangerous, and complex. Each of us represents the Org, our individual actions affect us all. Each of us has an expectation that the folks we are playing with have a minimum set of skills, knowledge, and abilities. In order to be successful and have fun, it’s crucial that everyone is capable of performing in a competent manner. During a ‘Call to Arms’ available members will be asked to support the Org, and we need to know, in advance, that everyone who responds is an asset and not a liability. A well-organized leadership and a high level of competency from all our members are pillars of our organization culture.

To achieve these goals, the organization will provide comprehensive training possibilities in the form of written manuals and in-game training sessions.

We aim to be a respectable Organization and expect from our members mature and professional behavior. With member from all around the globe and from different backgrounds, inclusivity is one of our main principles.

TERRAGROUP plans to be a strictly law-abiding Organization (when the Persistent Universe gets to that stage) and aims to actively fight piracy and griefing in the Verse. Every member and associate of TERRAGROUP needs to be aware of the potential impact their actions can have. Being the good guys makes it easier to interact to other organizations or the UEE military, but there will be still enough conflict around for us to train our combat skills and earn valuable security contracts with other organizations.

We operate 24/7 and have always people in charge to plan and execute larger tasks and events. We provide opportunities from small group tasks to large fleet operations.

Furthermore, we expect a certain level of commitment from our members. It is a game, not a job, and real life is more important than the game, but while you are playing the game you are expected to help out when our bases and fleets are under attack.

Our rank and role system within the org is both based on skill, knowledge and contribution as well as trust. To avoid burnout within our leadership, we will spread the workload as much as possible and provide backups and aids for any indispensable position.


In the Current state of the game we do as a whole intend to be a lawful Organization however we may or may not engage in not so lawful activities from time to time based on current trends happening in the Persistent Universe to engage our members in emergent gameplay while out in the Persistent Universe.

If you come across us and are caught in our Crosshairs that day please do not feel you or your Org are being targeted maliciously. This is the type of emergent gameplay Cloud Imperium Games wants to happen in the Persistent Universe.

This Charter Statement below is for when Star Citizen 1.0 or long term Player Organizations affect the Player experience in the Persistent Universe:


How you present yourself directly affects your reputation and the reputation of the Org. Behaving in a mature and respectful way will allow you to gain the respect of friends, enemies, and strangers. It is important to remember that your decisions and actions reflect not only upon yourself but also upon those around you.

Members of the Org must adhere to this Code in order to remain within our ranks.

General Rules and Expectations

Be thoughtful, polite, respectful and act professionally. Don’t start drama.

All members represent the Org whether they realize it or not.

Members have the right to defend themselves, other members, and our allies from any hostile action (within game only). It is essential to note, however, that members are expected to act in a mature manner that will reflect positively upon the Org.

Members must not take significant matters into their own hands and are expected to refrain from making any comments or decisions that have not been approved by the appropriate leadership.

Members are expected to maintain the privacy of information found within the private forums.

Issues and concerns regarding Terragroup decisions, members, and allies must be brought to the attention of Org leadership privately. Members are to avoid public confrontations. Join our discord terragroup-sc and open a moderation ticket using our tickets channel.

Members must respect one another and show understanding, tolerance, and patience. At all times, members of TerraGroup are expected to show respect to leadership by listening to them and following their lead and voice opinions when appropriate.

Bullying, racism, sexism, or other forms of prejudice will not be tolerated and will be swiftly dealt with.

Piracy will not be tolerated. (When long term Player Organization Reputation matters)
Griefing will not be tolerated at all as it takes away from the player experience.

Cheating and exploitation, whether through the use of third party programs or bugs found within the game, are unacceptable.

Disciplinary Action:

While not everything will warrant consequence, certain acts cannot be ignored and the offending member will be held accountable. Leadership will take the time to review and assess before making a decision.

Examples of possible actions:

Simple warning depending on the severity of grievance
Any and all issues will be documented so that behavior and trends can be dealt with accordingly
Demotion and removal of rank
Suspension or ban from TerraGroup Organization and Discord

Rules, expectations, guidelines, and disciplinary actions can be changed, removed, or added at any time. These are simply an outline for how business is to be conducted at and within TerraGroup.