Reporters, Editors and Media Producers welcome!
Discord: Courtesy of Citizen Star Ventures
2944-02-16 – UNN NEWS Association Formed, Citizen Star/NEWS in partnership with Universal News Network forms the UNN NEWS Association dedicated to the support and accreditation of journalists throughout the ‘verse.
2948-02-10 – UNN-NEWS becomes a charter member of the Rising Stars Mutual Aid Network
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This org was formerly known as Citizen Star News, which has now been combined with Citizen Star Ventures. Founder CZenStar currently still active on Twitter:
Always the mission has been to support Journalism in the Verse and those Citizen Stars that hone this craft. Citizen Star Ventures is happy to continue to support the UNN-NEWS project & association, Dedicating this org solely to that purpose.
Universal News Network/UNN and Citizen Star/NEWS are proud to announce the joint venture of the UNN-NEWS Association, for the assistance of journalists throughout known space and beyond.
Brainchild of the UNN’s Feylan and NEWS’ benefactor known as the Transhumunitarian (Citizen Ed or just simply Ed in some circles), who have decided to join forces to bring about their shared vision of a strong vibrant free and neutral press in the post-Messer era.
The UNN-NEWS Association will be providing to its members press accreditation, standards, communication forums, distribution channels and representation to various entities throughout the civilized worlds and otherwise.
All organizations everywhere are encouraged to work with the UNN-NEWS Association as everyone can benefit from having a free and neutral press active in the ‘verse. We can cover traffic updates, faction relations, battles and blockades, and the spread of the Vanduul threat. It doesn’t matter if you’re a trader, a pirate, a merc or a miner, knowing what’s happening in the galaxy could save your life. To do this we need to be able to operate in both UEE and lawless space, in dangerous areas and combat zones, while minimizing the risks of being shot at by PMCs, pirates or what have you.
To that end UNN-NEWS Association continues to negotiate free passage and cooperation agreements with organizations of all dispositions.
Organizations already committed to respecting UNN NEWS accreditation for free passage of journalists through their territory and cooperation of various degrees:
Pioneer Exploration & Services
903 Marauders
Allied eXecutive Endeavors
Terran Confederation
The Enablers/SCAA
Pure Profit Inc.
The Exchange
Free Space Union
Auxilium Search & Rescue
Barkodian Confederation
Negotiations continue for a number of other organizations.
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UNN-NEWS Association is supported by Citizen Star News & Citizen Star Ventures
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