The Nemonisos Trust was set up by Sir Alar de Girffonbourg as a family office. It has the task of upkeeping the Girffonbourg familiy heirloom. The Girffonbourg familiy has strong ties to the LAMP cult.
The History of the House Griffonbourg
Three Pillars
House Griffonbourg’s history is written on the “Three Pillars”: The Crossbow, the Tome and the Shield. Since Griffonbourg Manor is located close to the Sea in western Sussex, the family was always seafaring.
The sickle is the symbol for the trust: It encompasses hunting and cattle.
The tomb stands for the house tradition on exploring and scholarship. Family tradition demands studies at Cambridge.
The Shield stands for service to the crown. With the rise of Britisch Naval power, most Griffonbourg joined the Navy.
1066 The House Griffonbourg arrived in England 1066.
1267 The Nemonisos Trust was set up by Sir Haesir de Girffonbourg as a family office in the year 1267.
It has the task of upkeeping the Girffonbourg familiy heirloom.
1371 House Durville swears eternal fealty to House Griffonborg
1415 In the Battle of Agincourt two Members of the de Griffonbourg family were killed within three
minutes on Friday, 25 October 1415 by french pikemen. The actual joke they made before the
rode of to battle is lost, but the name Pyq never left the family.
1664 Thomas de Griffonbourg financed George Etherege’s Love in a Tub (1664). Having drunk to much
at the premiere, Sir Thomas was arrested and fined 5 Guines for obnoxious behavior in public.
1761 Richard de Griffonbourg served on the board of directors of the East India Companie from 1761-1774.
1781 Peter de Griffonbourg served in the council of the Royal Academy of Arts 1781 to 1791. The most
noteworthy was an unsuccessful attempt to introduce a grant for the most hilarious contemporary comedy.
Hilbert de Griffonbourg served as Lieutenant on the Polyphemus under Capt Robert Redmill at the battle of Trafalgar 1805.
1906 Charles de Griffonbourg was second in command on the HMS Dreadnought (1906)
1969 Beth de Griffonbourg came home pregnant from Woodstock.
2002 The Trust encures substantial losses as it invested in a online teddy-bear shop.
The LLC defaulted at the beginning of the crash
2078 Eric de Griffonbourg decided in 2078 to expand the Nemonisos Trust into Wine Production in Southern France.
Thus the traditional pillars Meat, Wheat and Wiskey were extended to Whine.
2125 Great Mars Tragedy Margarethe de Griffonbourg is amongst the victims.
2148 The Trust acquires a Zeus explorer ship
2216 Hubert de Griffonbourg leaves the House business to become a stand-up comedian.
2232 Robert de Griffonbourg is on the Artemis as Passenger when launched.
2259 Martin de Griffonbourg disappears in the the Neso Triangle.
2278 Martins Brother Corvette Captain Peter de Griffonbourg travels to Croshaw where he is killed in a ship crash. A small memorial plaque is mounted in the Griffonbourg castle.
2379 Proffessor Frederic de Griffonbourg, a law scolar at Cambridge helps to draft the Charta of the United Nations of Earth (UNE).
2438 First Contact. The Trust profits greatly from the peace and trade treaty.
2861 Under the pseudonym Andrew Talog, Andrew de Griffonbourg published a highly successful fiction series.
2521 The Trust trading subsidiary established on Terra.
2526 Pierre de Griffonbourg jons the High-Advocate.
2541 Lieutenant Jean-Marc de Griffonbourg killed in the Battle of Idris IV.
2545 John de Griffonbourg elected to the Tribunal.
2603-2610 In the Second Tevarin War Captain William de Griffonbourg destroys four enemy vessels.
2638 Victor de Griffonbourg disappears on Earth at the same time as Senator Assan Kieren of Terra. Rumor has it, that he had been assassinated.
2695 Betty de Griffonbourg publishes a nurseryrhyme book, which features the Vanduul to frighten small children. The book had poor success in sales.
2741 Paul de Griffonbourg is member of an activist groups that launches an unsuccessful attack against a news-hub.
2789 The trust supports Erin Toi of Earth with substantial monetary contributions.
2800 Patrick de Griffonbourg contributes to the academic fundaments of The Ark.
2878* Giscard de Griffonbourg
2878* Edric de Griffonbourg
2921 *Alar de Griffonbourg, main Charakter as of now
2924 *Lady Jade Griffonbourg-Sauntreigh.
2923 *Hugh de Griffonbourg, the middle of the three brothers, in charge of the “special” business of the Trust
2926 *Lily and Jerome de Griffonbourg,
2938 Giscard de Griffonbourg, Alars father and Knight Commander of the Inquisition, killed in a Vanduul raid.
2942 Today
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Villhelmus dei gratia Romanorum rex semper augustus fideli suo ministeriali Haesir de Griphonburge gratiam suam et omne bonum. tuis precibus iclinati volentes tibi liberalitate gratiam facere specialem tibi presentibus indulgemus, ut de villa Griffonvilla nostra suffultus benevulentia valeas civitates cui et hominibus in ea praesentibus et futuris de bbenegnitate nostra culminis universitatis ius graciose concedimus et donamus libertatem in omnibus sicut habent alii imperii civitates et homines eorundum reservata nobis et successoribus nostris ante omni potestate ius et libertates huius modi revocandi quecumque decretum fuerit supradictim graciam nostram vergere forsitan in praeiudicium aliarum imperialium civitatum. dantes has literas consignatus nostro typario majestatis in testimonium supra eo. datum apud londinium anno MLX sexto idus marcii regni anno secondo.
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